More Vagina Info.

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What is vaginal itching? For many folks, this isn't a comfortable subject to discuss. And, for many women, it's both painful and embarrassing. The reasons behind vaginal itching can vary. How can a woman tell if her vaginal itching is from a yeast infection or from multiple layers of clothing? Help for that answer comes in the form of the symptoms below. But, first you need to know what causes vaginal itching:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases - There are certain sexually transmitted diseases that cause vaginal itching like gonorrhea, genital herpes and chlamydia.
Detergents, Dyes and Perfumes - Vaginal itching is also caused by using certain kinds of perfumes, powders and fragrances. Scented panty liners, douches and many feminine hygiene products are also culprits.
Yeast Infections/Bacterial Vaginosis - When the vagina has an overabundance of bad bacteria, it can lead to bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection. These issues tend to rear their head when the vagina's natural pH balance is altered during pregnancy, adolescence or

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