Chapter 36- Who deserves what?

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Dedicated to majorgleek! Thanks for reading my book this far and check out her stories! :D

And if you haven't already, please check out my poem "Precious Little Angels." It's in the external link :)


Chapter 36- Who deserves what?

              My mouth hung open in shock as Porscha's face immediately softened.

         "Of course Pippa, darling. Just wear your outside shoes," she smiled at her now beaming daughter. I noticed that Pippa had the same crinkle by her eyes as her father as she smiled up at me, before running unsteadily down the hall with Porscha watching her with a motherly concern.

            When Pippa was out of sight, Porscha glared at me and yanked me into the house. She swiftly shut the door behind me.

          "Come," she commanded, leading me to an antique looking study room. Here she shut the doors once again before turning to face me.

            "What will it take?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

        I was silent. I mean, maybe I was rushing to conclusions. There were a lot of blonde and blue-eyed guys. Even Porscha was blonde and blue-eyed... But the resemblance....

          "Well?" she demanded impatiently.

          "Is... is... she... Cameron's? I asked.

          "Yes," she retorted, sounding irritated. "Now what will it take to keep you quiet?"

       I narrowed my eyes at her. "What makes you think that you have something that I want?" I snapped. Then it dawned on me. "He doesn't know, does he?"

        She strode over to where I was standing. "And he is never going to know, got it?" she spat, glaring at me.

         I kept my cool although she towered over me. I glared right back at her. "No. I don't got it. He has a right to know! She has a right to know her father!"

         "First. Get out of my face and second, I know you have daddy issues, so you're all emotional and whatever, but you have no clue what this is about."

           "I know exactly what this is about. It's about you being a selfish b*tch as usual," I called her out.

           She shook her head at me. "You wish it was that simple."

          "You have 24 hours to tell Cameron before I do," I retorted, pushing past her, but she grabbed my arm.

           "You- you can't do that," she screamed and for a split second I saw fear in her eyes.

           I grabbed my arm away from her. "And why not?"

          "Because. Because, I... was lying. She's not Cameron's."

          "Then who's is she?" I asked, not believing her for a second.

          "Oh you know, just some holiday fling."

          "You can keep bullsh*tting, or you can tell me the real reason."

          Rattle, rattle, zpft, snap!

         "OK everyone remain calm! Let her go and we can do this peacefully!" Cleo yelled as she rolled into the room.

          We both gave her a confused look as she got up and gave Porscha a menacing look.

         "Cleo, what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

        "Porscha... didn't... take you hostage?" she asked, realizing that that was so not the case.

         "Why would you even think that?" I asked.

         "She yanked you into her house!" Cleo exclaimed. "Why else would she do that?"

         "I would never!" Porscha exclaimed. "And how did you get into my house?"

       "We can sit here and talk about my lock picking or you two can carry on. I say we carry on. There's no need to dwell in the past," Cleo replied making herself comfortable on one of the burgundy-cushioned couches in the study. "Carry on."

          Porscha put a hand on her forehead and sighed. "Fine. She's Cameron's baby!"

         Cleo choked on the gum she was chewing. "Wait, what? Excuse me. I thought I just heard you say you had Cameron's baby?" She was in complete disbelief.

           "It's true," I confirmed.

         "Excuse us for two seconds," Cleo said, coming towards me and forming a little circle. "That b*tch is lying!" she exclaimed.

        "I can hear you!" Porscha snapped.

        "I know," Cleo smiled sweetly. "She would say anything to get with Cameron," Cleo whispered to me.

        That was true, but as much as I wanted to believe that I couldn't.

        "Believe whatever the hell you want. Just don't tell Cameron," Porscha pleaded.

        "No. If she's his, he deserves to know," I replied.

        "Ugh! You don't understand. Do you know who he is? Do you know who our parents are?"

        "What does that have to do with anything?"

        "You really don't know anything," she rolled her eyes. "Having a child at age 16 and out of wedlock is the biggest faux-pas of families of our rank. So when my mother found out, she talked to Cameron's mother, who is one of her oldest and best friends. They both decided it would be best to keep it a secret from absolutely everyone. Not even the most trusted help knows that Pippa's my daughter. They all think my mother adopted her from Romania. So I went to Switzerland for a year to hide my stomach when I started showing, to have the baby and to get back in shape. The official story was that I was going to a Swiss boarding school for the posh. As long as I keep it a secret, our family name will be kept in tact and Pippa will be taken care of," Porscha explained. She lovingly looked out the window at Pippa who was chasing a white butterfly around the garden.

        I took in everything that she'd said. "What happens if you tell?"

        Porscha looked back at me. "I don't know and I don't want to find out. But I guess you get the whole Cameron thing now, don't you?"

        No wonder she doesn't want Cameron dating anyone. It must be so hard for her not to tell him; to pretend that Pippa didn't exist. But he deserves to know doesn't he?

        I bit my lip. "Don't you think he deserves the chance to be a part of her life?" I asked.

        She gave me a brittle smile. "Don't you think Pippa deserves to be happy and carefree?" she asked, with a bitterness only she could understand. "I'm afraid OK? I'm afraid that if I tell him, we'll be disowned. And then what? You think this is all fun and games? That I'm mean and despise change because I'm a b*tch? It's because I'm scared of what will happen if things change." Her tone suddenly became threatening. "So if you tell and everything changes for the worse, I will come after you. That I swear. My Pippa deserves happiness and you will not get in the way of that because 'Cameron deserves to know,'" she mocked me. "Now get out!" she yelled.


A little intense, wasn't it? Do you think Cameron deserves to know? Or Pippa deserves happiness? Should Jade tell Cameron? COMMOTE! Lemme know what you think!

Stay perfectly bad, xo

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