Chapter 7- You two again

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It's up! But it's short, sorry :/

Chapter 7

            My jaw dropped. Like literally fell off my face dropped. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Will?! Alice?!” I exclaimed. Alice is my sister from hell. She is four years older than me, so I thought I was rid of the Barbie Doll when I started high school. She is one of the people Will screwed me over with. She had left and was dead to me but no, the bitch just had to resurrect herself. “What are you guys doing here?!” I exclaimed.

            “It’s nice to see you two, short cakes,” my sister sweetly smiled.

            “Was bored of my old school, so I decided to shake it up, y’know,” Will smirked.

            “Well, can you, I don’t know, “shake it up” somewhere else? And you,” I said turning to my sister. “What’s your excuse?”

            “Darling, is that the way to talk to your favourite sister?” she crooned.

I glared at her.

            “Are you seriously still mad that I played with your almost boyfriend?” she asked. That knocked the smirk off of Will’s face and earned Alice another glare.

            “No Ali. Of course not. I don’t despise the fact that you take everything from me and then pretend like nothing ever happened. So I will ask you one more time. What’s your excuse?”

            She rolled her eyes. “You were always one to hold grudges. Lighten up kiddo,” she smiled. When she noticed that I wasn’t going to give in to her useless babbling, she continued. ”I am actually going to be a TA for your math class.”

            I burst out laughing and Will burst out laughing with me.

            “I’m- I’m- s- so- sor-ry. Did you say m-math- TA?!” I managed to say in between laughs.

            “That’s a good one,” Will said.

            Alice pouted indignantly. “Says the girl who failed 9th grade math.”

            My laugh turned into a glare. “Coming from the girl who failed the same class and science.”

            “Coming from the loser who can’t even hold down a boy,” she spat. “Don’t try to test me.”

            “Ha. That’s laughable. Remember JP. Yes, your JP. Dated and dumped. I went there,” I smirked.

            Alice glared at me, but put on a smile as people started to fill the class and as soon as my math teacher came in, I knew why Alice was there. My math teacher was a Bradley Cooper look-a-like. He was smoking for a teacher! He looked to be in his late 20s- completely Alice’s type.

            I heard whistles from the boys as they laid eyes on my sister and honestly, it sickened me, but boys will be boys.

            “Thank you, boys. Now I know I’m attractive. Take a seat everyone,” Bradley Cooper look-a-like said. “My name is Mr. Lawson and this is Ms. Berkshire.”

            “How many Berkshires are there?” I heard someone say and I was starting to ask myself the same question. Me, Alice and Ashley in one school was two too many Berkshires for my taste.

            I sat down in the only seat left. The one right in front of Will. Just my luck. All class, I couldn’t concentrate because Will kept kicking my seat and throwing things at the back of my head.

            “Stop!” I would hiss only for him to start again a few seconds later.

            “Jade! Do you have something to share? No, then stop disrupting the class,” Alice said for no reason other than to piss me off.

            The bell ringing was like heaven to my ears. I was so glad to get out of math class, but not before blowing up on Will.

            “WHAT do you want?” I half yelled turning around.

            “I missed you,” he said sweetly. At that exact moment, I got a text message.

It was from Cleo and it read:

Figure out ur feelings soon bbe. I heard Will was makin his way to u. Much luv

Great. Now she tells me.

Perfectly BadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ