The Tunnel

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This dark tunnel,

with it's windows painted black,

I don't know why I kept walking,

don't know why I kept on track

It's been so long,

walking down this path,

But all I know is,

I'm so excited for the aftermath

The excitement slowly fades,

My ambition finally lost,

it seems this tunnel is priced,

with a death-heavy cost

A light?

Can it be true?

but if it is real,

what will I do?

Almost there!

just a few steps more,

And finally I make it,

to a strong white door

After hours, days of work,

It finally budged,

but I can see now,

My hope was horribly misjudged

I take a step forward,

into to this dark terrible land,

And I collapse to the ground,

with my head in my hand

What have I done to deserve this?

Was going outside so wrong?

I think I'll go back in the tunnel,

I've been outside too long....

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