I thought of this while singing on the side of a highway.

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Though my methods are quite strange,

Sometimes dangerously odd,

We're meant to be together,

We're like two peas in a pod.

Why don't you just love me?

Can't you see I care?

After everything we've been through,

You know I've always been there.

Though we're not conventional or good,

I feel so dangerously free,

Whenever I'm around you,

It's the only time I can truly see.

Why can't you just accept me?

We;d be so perfect and nice,

You would make my dreams come true,

But instead you went and smashed the ice.

Now the shards of clear are everywhere,

All strewn upon the ground,

All our memories and smiles we shared,

Now nightmares that make us frown.

Though our relaitonship was quite strange,

Sometimes dangerously odd,

We could've stayed perfect together,

Like two peas in a pod.

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