Your Special Eyes

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Your special eyes,

with their colors so bright,

have always held something for me,

whether it be dark or light

I'm sorry I stared so often,

but it was so hard to look away,

your eyes are so unique,

they were the very thing that made my day

  So many stories,

hiding just beneath those lids,

your complexity makes me laugh,

knowing that we're only kids

They've broken my heart,

and lifted me high,

crushed me beneath the ground,

and lifted me into the sky

I'll stare into them forever,

trying to decipher at least one iris,

the curiosity infects me,

spreading like a merciless virus

I'd hate to admit I'm an addict,

but I will if it lights up those eyes,

I'll do anything for you,

until the color in your eyes dies

Your special eyes,

with their colors so bright,

have always held something for me,

But now they're heading towards the light.

                                                                    < O >                 < O >

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