Lies & Truth

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Lies will kill you Deceit will destroy you but the truth will set you free

Alana ,

The door opens and stands Kenny with a look I've never seen before but I get to speak August has him pinned against a wall

" look I don't want any trouble ok I just need to speak with her" Kenny says

" let him go " I say

Everyone looks shocked at me for that answer

" let him go" I say again

August clenches his jaw and drops him

Kenny gets up and brushes his clothes off

" leave" I say Harshly to the people standing in the room

" But Ala- "
I cut him off mid sentence

" leave "

He just look like he's going to cry
But quickly opens the door and slams it shut

Dajai just shakes her head at me

And walk out soon everyone follows

Leaving me with him

" I should have you arrested "

" Alana it wasn't me who did this" he says

" why should I even believe you?"

" look just remember you have to remember "

When he said that I got a massive headache and I saw images flashing in my head

It's dark I try the light but it doesn't work I head up stairs I reach my door I open it I see myself talking to someone but I can't make out who it is

I snap out of it and realize Kenny is gone I'm alone

That's when the door opens The nurse comes in my vision is blurry I can't see her face but she goes to my thing beside my bed and takes out an needle and puts it in the tub and squirts

I slowly clothes my eyes and that was it

August ,

I pace back n forth thinking about Alana its been about 15 when I see Kenny come down

" Aye man ion want no trouble just wanna say a few words to you" he says

My jaw clenches

" look you need to watch over her there
Are some people who want her dead don't ask how I know they just do " he sighs " I was assigned to kill her but I actually fell in love with her why the only thing i did was hit her but there are people who may seem like friends but watch they up to no good "
Before I get to say anything he's out the door

I sigh
I walk back to Alana rooms I see a nurse come out her room I try to get a look at her face but she walking to fast
That's strange cuz Her nurse don't come till 330 and it's only 145 something off I rush into her room

I look around nothing off

Then the Heart monitor Beeps flat line

I panic I don't know what's happening

I run into the hall way and yell for help

Doctors and nurse rush In again

I'm standing waiting to know what's happening

Everybody comes back up

" Aug what's happening ?" Daj ask

I just shake my head and look down

The Doctor comes out with a sympathetic look on his face

" she's .... She's gone" he says

" gone whatchu mea gon ?" I yell

" I don't know her vitals were great but she just dropped " he says

" I bet it was Kenny who did something he was the last one " Dajai says

" nahh it wasn't it was a nurse " I say

" nurse ?..... Becca come here!" He yells

" yes Dr.graceson?" She asks approaching us

" did you go and check on Ms.smith ? " he ask

" No sir I just got back from lunch" she says looking between everybody

" it wasn't her this girl was taller with longer hair " I say

" well I'm going to get the video of today to see who else went in that room " Dr . graceson says

" & Sorry for your loss" he says looking down

I just stand there into space not knowing what to do so I punch the wall

I slide down the wall and cry my eyes out

I lost the one thing I would give anything for

Everybody is just breaking down crying

I don't even know what to do

I see the people cover her body and wheel her out

I couldn't take it I rush out to the my car get in and go to the one place I never wanted to go again

I get out my car ring the doorbell
The door opens

" August?"

No one povs

Down in the morgue

Someone is looking for someone

They look until they find them

They hear screaming and kicking

They open the slider and pull it out

They gasp for air

" Oh my god than-" they stop mid sentence

" How how ?"

" don't worry we have to go now"

Dun dun dun dun 😅😭 cliffhanger bruh ! Vote n comment for next chapter sorry it's short 😭

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