Chapter 2

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The recreation center was enormous—Earl stopped for a moment to take it all in. Light burst in through huge windows, casting shadows across the dark red carpet. Those residents not relaxing in comfy chairs chatting or watching television were engaged in one of several activities, from darts to cards to billiards to board games.

In front of a huge TV, a group of people erupted into cheers. Earl frowned. “What is going on over there?”

Jenny laughed. “It looks they’re—bowling.”

A woman with big red hair stood up. Holding some sort of control device, she went through the motions of bowling. On the TV, a digital bowling ball rolled up the pixel aisle with a synthetic rumble. It hit the virtual bowling pins and all ten fell. Everyone in her group cheered, throwing their hands in the air. The woman took a bow, handed the device to the next player, and went to her chair.

Jenny wheeled Earl over to the table. “Can we watch?”

The woman smiled and waved them over. “The more the merrier. I’m Gloria.”

“Hi, I’m Jenny.”

Gloria’s eyes twinkled at Earl. “And who’s your friend?”

“This is Earl Walker.” Jenny whispered loudly, “He doesn’t have any friends here at Candlewick.”

“Hello.” Gloria smiled. “Has anyone told you that you have the most amazing blue eyes?”

Earl fidgeted. Was he blushing? “Hello.”

Gloria nodded toward her friends around the table, who were intent on the bowling game. “Hey, gang—this is Earl and Jenny.” The others waved and said hello as Gloria pointed them out. “That’s Ray Stanton...Mark Conroy...Sally Brouwer...and Dandy Anderson.” The last one, standing against the wall, did a little dance shuffle, ending with a salute.

Jenny wheeled Earl closer to the table. “I’m surprised to find y’all bowling.”

“It’s very popular around here,” Sally said. She nodded, her long black hair bobbing up and down.

“This is the big bowling tournament. We’re sending our results on to the regional committee.”

Anderson put a hand on Conroy’s shoulder. “Come on, ten bucks. Just ten bucks.”

The other man shook his head. “I’m not betting you ten bucks.”

Gloria told Earl in a low voice, “Dandy takes medicine for his legs. One of the side effects is that it makes him gamble.”

Earl nodded uncertainly. He had no idea how to answer something like that.

The game continued for several minutes. When Gloria’s turn came up again, she turned to Earl. “Hey, Blue Eyes, do you bowl?”

He shook his head emphatically. “No.”

“C’mon,” she said. “You can have my turn. You don’t even have to leave your chair.”

“I’d rather not.”

Gloria hesitated then shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

As she went, Jenny murmured into Earl’s ear, “I like her.”

He grumbled back, “Then you can stay here with her while I go back to my TV. I’ll just bet that Pat Sajack is about to—”

He was cut off by a ruckus across the room. At the billiards table, a big man with wavy gray hair and dark glasses pushed someone aside. Jenny asked, “What’s going on over there?”

Nursing a Grudge: An Earl Walker MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now