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I hope you enjoyed Nursing a Grudge! If you'd like to spend more time with Earl and his friends, look for more of the Earl Walker Mysteries for sale at pretty much any online bookseller!

Here's some info about the other two books:

Burying the Hatchet (The Earl Walker Mysteries)
IT'S AN IMPOSSIBLE CRIME! Earl knows that his minister could not have committed murder...but how can he prove that 100 witnesses—and the laws of physics—are wrong?

Knocking 'Em Dead (The Earl Walker Mysteries)
IS IT CURTAINS FOR EARL AND GLORIA? When Earl's darkest secret comes to light, it threatens to derail his wedding plans—and soon there is a murder and his young friend Jenny is on the spot. Can Earl hook the killer before the final curtain call?

Here's another series you may like:

Too Good to be Truman
YOU NEVER HAD MONEY TROUBLE LIKE THIS! When unemployed crime reporter Harry Truman gets a note from a local mission thanking him for his generous contribution—to the tune of a half million dollars—he's reasonably certain he had nothing to do with it. But then the IRS comes banging on his door, followed quickly by the FBI, and some very nasty men, and soon Truman knows he's got to figure out who stuck him with this halo if he doesn't want to get fitted with prison stripes—or a harp and wings. It's a crime comedy for fans of Fletch and Get Shorty!

Too Bad to be Truman
YOU NEVER HAD A JOB INTERVIEW LIKE THIS! When out-of-work crime reporter Harry Truman is hired to kill a man's wife, he's reasonably certain that there's been some mistake. His curiosity gets the better of him and Truman decides to track down the real story—and soon finds himself dodging mobsters, failing a songwriting audition, and lying to a pet psychic about a dog he never had. But when he's left holding a smoking gun, Truman has got to act fast—or this marital spat could end with his funeral! 

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