Chapter One

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Ow.. My head... Noodle moved her arm slightly and hissed at the seering pain. As an instinct her body quickly went to a fetal position and winced, tears flowing from her eyes, the saltiness burned her cuts, which in turn caused her to cry even more. She layed there for what seemed like forever (but in reality was about an hour). She could finally move her hand and arm.. But still felt the sharp pain. She looked up around her surroundings and saw the horrid scenery and felt a small twinge of grief and fear. The windmill she had grown accustomed to was now on fire, and burning in a ball of hot ashes.. She turned over to her left and saw a black box only 4 feet away.. A First aid kit! She crawled slowly to it and open it up slowly, showing not a first aid kit, but a small compact radio! She quickly tuned it to the clear air waves and started her plea:

"Murdoc!!! Russel.. Is anybody there??!! You need to reply.... Hello! Come in... Its Noodle... I've found the missing-- *boom* They're coming!!"

Just then Noodle heard another loud boom and scooted to a small shelter under several pieces of wood, bringing the radio and whispered her plea. She looked up at the choppers that were still there and started her plea again:

"..the reception is really terrible.."

She looked up and saw it was clear so she started to talk normally into the compact radio:

"MURDOC! .....Murdoc! Come in!! They know where... Mur........... It's coming from.... Murdoc MAYDAY!! MAYDAY .... Murdoc! COME IN GORILLAZ!!!!!"

Just then another boom sounded and Noodle crouched, hearing the radio turn to static.. She suddenly felt the sting of pain she didn't notice before that caused her to fall to the floor. She looked up and saw a chopper and pushed her body towards her previous shelter and layed there, tears streaming down her face.

Is this my end?
Was my life supposed to end here?
Doing the very thing I love?
What about Russel? 2-D? I'll miss them! Noodle felt everything turn black and closed her eyes as more tears strolled down her cheeks once more..

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