Chapter Three

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All eyes on you would make anyone nervous! But, not Noodle... She felt like she... Belonged in the center of attention! She waved with her left hand (the only one without more than one broken finger). She sat down by a girl with black hair and steel-grey eyes. Noodle looked around and saw a shy girl sit by her to strike up a conversation.

"Hello. I'm Miro but people call me 'ro" she smiled and bowed. She slightly stumbled and quickly regained herself.
Noodle respected that and bowed as well, but with more grace. 'Ro looked at Noodle with huge eyes and continued to speak.

"I love your music! I've always wanted to be famous! Did you really write Demon Days in Kong Studios when there was a zombie infestation?!" She asked with giddyness.

"I have no clue what you are talking about.." Noodle said as politly as she possibly could. Just then she saw Wren and Vix walk up to her. Noodle never really noticed Vix until now.. She had big red lips, a orange crop top with an orange flow-skirt. Her arms were cuffed with bootcuts, that were blue. Her boots were slick black with fishnets, but the thing that really stuck out was her black hair and her long tongue (also her eyes discoloration) and Noodle quickly got up and hugged Vix.

"MURDOC!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Noodle yelled loudly, causing a scene. She looked at Vix who had her mouth gaping widely. Noodle's vision slowly blurred and looked at Vix.. It wasn't Murdoc.. She pushed Vix away and hid her face. "I'm sorry.. I thought you were.. I don't know.. I just.. I'm sorry.." Noodle stood up as best as she could. But fell back and sat on a guitar, but didn't break it. She picked it up and had this.. Urge.. No need to play the guitar. She strummed it. It was so off tune even Noodle cringed. It took her about two minutes to tune the guitar but got it perfect. She strummed it again and sighed with relief. And she began to play a tune.. It sounded familiar but she didn't know where she heard it.. She started to sing as well:

"Windmill windmill for the land,
Turn forever hand in hand,
Take it all in on your stride,
It is sinking falling down,
Love forever love is free,
Let's turn forever you and me,
Windmill windmill for the land,
Is everybody in?"

Just then Noodle felt she was in the sky on a floating island.. But saw a... Boy? Noodle looked at the boy and was about to speak before the lyrics ended.

She finished the last few chords with delicate movement. At first there was only one clap, then suddenly the applause came down her like a cascade. Someone in the crowd yelled "ENCORE!!" and heard everyone shout encore! encore! encore!! So Noodle complied with it and began to strum again. She felt the lyrics beginning to scroll across her mind. She read them aloud:

"You've got to press on you,
You just then thinking,
That's what you do baby.
Hold it down there!" Some people said "dare" but Noodle ignored it. They can't read the lyrics in her mind. She went back to her singing:
"Jump with them all and move it,
Jump back and forth,
And feel like you were there yourself,
Work it out!!"

Just then she felt as if she was in a room, dancing and moving to the beat. She would have danced and wiggled as much if half her body wasn't shattered.

Once again she received a down poor of of claps, whistles, and encores!! Just then someone stood up and yelled "SING EL MAÑANA!!" Noodle tilted her head in confusion. She couldn't speak.. What ever language that was.

"What is that?" She asked.

"You know!
I saw that day,
Lost my mind,
Lord I'm fine,
Maybe in time,
You'll want to be mine!!"

Just then Noodle felt as if she was back on the floating land, but everything seemed...different? Then she realized it.. The boy was gone.. And.. There was.. Planes.. Flying around. And then they shot at her, causing the island to crash. Noodle started to cry again..

Just then Noodle felt another heat wave, similar to the one in the hallway. She fell over and within seconds she felt another icepack on her forehead. Noodle slowly began to lose herself to the black abyss of her mind.

Noodle was surrounded by fire and red demons flying around her body. She was sweating and her cuts stung even worse. She wasn't bandaged! She heard faint screams and saw a hand reach out to grab her. She went to grab it when the hand began to pulse in and out of view, then disappear. She started to hear her name being called out in loud shrieks. She covered her ears from the banshees and curled into fetal position. Her tears streaming faster than ever. Her broken bones felt as if they were in a car compact and was being smashed into a million pieces. She closed her eyes as tight as she could, then felt a cold sensation on her head.

Noodle's eyes stot open. Her eyes were blurry and she rubbed them to fix the vision.

She turned and saw Wren by her bed. Noodle shot up and went to hug her. Wren, not used to this feeling, hugged her back anyway. Noodle looked up and saw behind Wren.

"How did that get there?!"

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