Chapter Four

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Noodle looked at her wall and saw a poster with the windmill she saw in her 'vision'. Her eyes widened she blinked back threatening tears. Why does this make me cry? Why do I feel... Broken..? Noodle looked over at Wren and she bowed her head, remembering that feeling she got when she sang that song.. She looked closer at the poster and saw faint building. It was hazey but it was readable. "FEEL GOOD INC." She tilted her head and pointed to the poster. Wren turned her head to see what she was pointing to.

"Oh that? That's a poster a couple of us bought to decorate your room! We thought it would be a nice addition. We even bought you a guitar" she started, "and on your desk there is a whole stack of your albums!" She stood up and picked up the albums to hand to Noodle. There was about 4 albums. She looked at Wren and handed her an album.

"Can you play this for me?" Noodle asked while handing her Gorillaz. Wren nodded and put it in the music player and pressed play. "Re-Hash" started to blare from the speakers. Noodle started to nod her head back and forth. Wren sat on the bed and listened to the music as each song played. Then came on "19-2000" and Wren sang along and clapped to the beat. Wren nudged Noodle when it came to the chorus. Noodle suddenly felt words come out her mouth as she sang:
"Get the cool
Get the cool shoeshine!"

She closed her eyes and her mind put her on a road in a dunebuggie with "geep" scrawled acrossed the hood. She felt herself go in a loop-de-loop in the back seat with 3 other people in the car. She looked in front of her and saw ... That boy from the windmill!! Noodle reached a hand forward and touched his shoulder but the boy didn't move.. The chorus ended and Noodle was rudely thrown back into reality.

Noodle opened her eyes slowly and realized that the album had ended. She quickly handed Wren Demon Days...

"Last Living Souls" played from the speakers. The tears she avoided earlier took over and began to coat her face like a warm, wet blanket. Wren looked at Noodle and held her hand. Noodle squeezed as hard as she could. Noodle started at the ceiling and her mind animated the spots so they looked like zombies.. A few songs later and "Feel Good Inc." started up. The chorus began to play. Noodle's eyes grew wider as she slowly raised her up half.

"W-Wren? Thi-This song.. I s-sang this.. how did they know?" Noodle stammered. Wren looked at Noodle with sympathy

"You have no idea, do you?" She asked. "You must have forgotten everything after the incident--" Wren was rudely interrupted by a loud crash and Valace came running in. Noodle tilted her head to the right and glared at him. Damn him.. I was so close to figuring out everything! Noodle sighed and set her head on her pillow, lost in her thoughts on her past.. Had she really forgotten everything? Noodle sighed as she watched Wren chew out Valce for barging into a girl's room without asking. Valace apologized and walked out. Noodle looked over at Wren (who's face was bright red) staring at Valace angrily. Noodle smiled at her and layed her head back on her pillow, this time, falling asleep.

Author's note:

This is the part where I write to the viewers. Thanks for reading!! Anyway.. Sorry I took forever writing my story ;-;.. My phone got taken away and I had MAJOR writer's block.. Sorry this chapter was so short.. I'll write more. 030.. Bye!!

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