To lost to even know

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Alex's pov

I was so badly hurt that I knew Jade could tell, but I lied to her and said I wasn't. And as I did before, I walked away and left before Jade's mother saw me....... I was spaced out the whole time after I left that church. But I managed to decide to go to the park. When I got there I sat at my guidance tree, and all my emotions came flooding out. For the first time in forever i cried. For the first few minutes I cried, I was crying for the fact that my girlfriends parents didn't like me because I was dating their daughter, but after that I wasn't for sure what I was crying for. But what i did know was i cried for what seemed like hours. In conclusion I wiped up my tears and put all my problems in my mountain of things to suffer about, even though I wanted Jade to wipe my tears away and solve my problems for me, got up and walked home.

Jade's pov

After Alex left I knew what she was going to go do. Either she was going to go cry or she was about to go cut herself. But I don't know what I would do if I found out that she went and did both. As for me when I saw that expression on Alex's face I just broke down and cried. But when church was over and I finally got home I went to the corner of my house and dug up my razor blades, went to my pets dog house, set inside to hide from everyone and I started to cut. I didn't stop. I sat there until both my arms and legs were covered in blood from all the wounds I had made. I knew that Alex was doing the same thing but I forced the image put of my head of all the scars and scabs that she had shown me that one time and I focused on getting inside my house un-seen and un-heard so I could clean up and not look like I went and killed someone. Which I was tempted to do to my family.

Weeks passed by and there had been no sight of Alex until on day when she walked by Jades house with cut makes all over her body. Alex thought that it would be time for her to pay jades mom a little visit.

Alex's pov

I couldn't take it anymore no one was going to stop me from seeing the one I love. Not even her mother. So I angrily walked to Jades door knocked and waited. Then her mother appeared. And I spilled it all. I told her there was nothing she could do would keep me and Jade from seeing each other. that she could try and try but I will just keep coming back, but I would be coming back stronger each time. And that's when she said it for the first time. " Jade won't be here much longer because we are moving in a week. now it looks like there is nothing you can do to keep your friendship alive." When I heard that I feel to the ground and cried. Then I got up and ran faster than I ever did before and went home. I locked myself in my room for days. I only came out when I had to use the bathroom. I didn't eat I didn't sleep. I just laid there and thought to myself was there anything I could have done differently. Why did I have to fuck everything up.

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