Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

August 2000

It was a warm, humid day in mid August, and Ananya was waiting with her friends at the college gates. Richa and Sanaya drew her into their conversation, talking about something she'd usually heard them discussing-the Mirchandani brothers. She didn't even pretend to look interested when they told her of their wealth, their connections, and their life. And she only smiled an indulgent smile when they started talking about Yash and Samar Mirchandani. It wasn't often that they discussed it over with her-but today they were meeting with the brothers, and taking the evening off, maybe hanging out or going for dinner, or both.

From what Sanaya said, it seemed like Samar had had a good week. "He won a modeling contract," Sanaya said, "And he's going to Europe. I am absolutely sure he's going to make it big."

"So it's a celebration," Ananya said.

"Kind of," Richa agreed. "He celebrates very rarely. At least, not like Yash. Samar is quieter, more reserved than Yash."

"They've always been different," Sanaya mused. "Yash wants to do everything he can get his hands on. Total slacker-happy go easy. A party man. But Samar is more focused. He's used to doing things with perfection."

"And effortlessly, too," Sanaya said.

Ananya looked at her watch, stifling a yawn. As far as she was concerned, it didn't matter who was better or who was more dedicated. She was waiting here because her friends had asked her to, not because she'd wanted to listen to the story of the great Mirchandani family. However, in spite of herself, she found herself being intrigued and drawn in. Last month at their party, she hadn't been introduced to the hosts. She'd just wanted to have a good time with her best friends, so she hadn't bothered with introductions. Now Sanaya said that she'd introduce her to the brothers personally when they came to pick them up. She even asked her if she would like to go with them, but Ananya didn't answer right away.

Samar Mirchandani was their age, and childhood friend of Richa and Sanaya. They often talked about old times with the Mirchandani brothers, and even now, they were good friends with both of them. Though Yash was two years older than them, he never hesitated to hang out together. In fact, more often than not, they went out in a huge group consisting of a lot of people. But right now, they were planning for some time with old buddies.

As they stood talking, the sound of bikes roaring in the distance caught their attention. Richa and Sanaya exchanged glances, smiling wryly.

"Guess they're in a killer mood," Sanaya observed.

"You bet. I'm not sitting with either of them if they intend to race," Richa said, giggling like a school girl.

Ananya looked on with interest, caught by the conversation and the sound of the bikes. For a moment, she felt envious-envious because this was exactly the kind of freedom and fun she wanted. A part of her mind reminded her that she did have freedom. She had as much of freedom as she wanted, and her life was always going to be the way she planned it. She knew it was true, but in that moment, she knew she wanted more.

And then she saw them. To her surprise, there weren't two but three bikes-three bikes with three riders, all wearing helmets and looking like actors from some slick action film. They slowed down as they neared, snaking and weaving their way around each other. And then finally stopped, at exactly the same moment, next to each other. Richa and Sanaya were grinning, exchanging secretive smiles, as they went forward to meet their friends.

"God, that was amazing," the guy on the white Yamaha said. Samar, she realized. They took off their helmets, grinning at each other, and Ananya went still with surprise when she saw who the third person was.

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