Chapter 3

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nagisa pov

i hung up the phone and got ready for a day of interviews and script reading for a new film. the car pulled up 20 minutes later and i got in. my personal assistant, lexi, was waiting for me. 

"good morning, ok the script reading was canceled today and your manager managed to get hold of rei, is number will be sent over email, but not makoto but we know he is in new York, the reason we couldn't get hold of him though the fire department is because they cant give out that information though the phon-"

i cut her off by excitedly shouting "LETS GO THERE THEN!!!!" she got a little nervous by my excitement but let out a little giggle after. "we thought you might want to do that so we got your jet sorted , all interviews arnt till later so we have time" with that we drove to the airport. 

~time skip~

we arrived at new York in an hour and hopped into a jag. "i cant wait to see makoto again!!!! i wonder if he still swims sometimes!!!!let hope he can go, if he cant ill pay for him and drag his arse to japan ahaha" 

half an hour, and a lot of sweets later, we finally stopped outside new yorks fire station. i got out and i looked around a little. lexi gestured me to the font entrance and asked to see makoto  the receptionist said that he was on duty at the moment and to take a seat. "lexi set an alarm for half an hour, im gunna take a nap he could be a while" with that i shut my eyes  and drifted into sleep.


"bleep, bleep, bleep"

the half an hour alarm went of and my eyes slowly opened. i stretched and asked if he had arrived yet"not yet, sorry" i was starting to get worried, fires dont take this long do they? just as i thought that, a fire truck drove past and into the back entrance, i lept from my seat and ran out the building to the back, and got though the gates just before they closed, getting my blazer caught inbetween. i slipped it off and ran round the corner to where the fire truck went. when i turned the corner there he was, covered in ash, getting checked out by medical staff, and drinking so water looking rather worn out. i ran over just as the medical staff finished checking him over. "makoto!!!!!!!" 

~makoto's pov ~

the medical staff checked my lungs before giving me a drink and then assisted some minor cuts and burns. just as they left i heard my name being called from not far away. my head shot up and i recongised the voice. a blond haired pink eyed man was running towards me. nagisa?!!!!! he reached me and slammed into me with a hug, we both fell to the ground. "makoto! ive missed you so much !!!!" 

"it has ahaha, ive missed you too" we stood up as my work mates gave us weird looks, some smiling, some frowning. "what are you doing here?" " i wanted to ask you to come for a swimming reunion!!! back at iwatobi !!!!" 

i was alittle taken back "i dont know, id love to but i have work and -" 

"pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee senpaiii, i can pay for it for you and rei is still in japan, haru said he can come and im sure your boss wont minddddd pleassssee!!" haru... "let me ask my boss okay?" nagisa fist pumped the air then dragged me to the main building.


"no" nagisa's face fell "they need you to much, we dont have a replacement" nagisa's face lit up"I KNOW SOMEONE! my cousin , he recently just quit being a fire fighter in mexico because he didnt like it there, he is searching for a job, im sure he can do it !" my boss sighed "fine, you have two weeks off starting tomorrow" . we thanked him and left the office,  my shift was almost over so i told him to wait for half an hour then we could pack my stuff back at my apartment. 

half an hour went past quickly and we soon got into a very fancy car. a woman was waiting for us . "hi, im lexi, nagisa's personal assistant , if there is anything you want, anything at all dont be afraid to ask" was she flirting with me? lexi winked at me, my face turned bright red as we stopped at my appartment, i ran out and got my stuff packed. after everything was done i ran back to the car and we were on our way to nagisa's house. 

~nagisa's pov~

i checked my email and found rei's number attached. i decided to try to ring but after it failing i left a voice message

"hey rei!!! its me , nagisa. me and haru and matoko are visiting iwatobi !!! haru still has his house out there so we will be staying at his. come meet us , we could all swim again maybe !!! ok bye" . i then texted haru "hey bud, a jet will be waiting for you at 4am at Venice airport, at reception say that you are haruka waiting for a jet sent by N. i got my assistant to talk to your boss, he said its fine".

we arrived at mine. "wow your house is amazing nagisa! " i just laughed "yeh, come let me show you where you are sleeping" after he got settled in we made dinner and opened some wine "Champlain is for tomorrow" me and makoto stayed up for a while watching football and catching up with eachother. 

"want to play truths?" i suggest

"ok, what do you want to know"

"is it scary having to put out fires and save people"

"it can be, but after it feels good to know you helped, ok, what about you? whats fame like?"

"scary sometimes but its fun. a lot of pressure. ok next, do you miss swimming?"

"yeah, alot. what about you?"

"yeh, i have a swimming pool but its not the same you know. so do you still have a crush on you know who?"

makoto blushes "i guess thats a yes then"

he nods. i look over at the time "we should probably head to bed, let me check my phone first"

*2 new texts*

"hey nagisa, its haru, ok im can come."

"nagisa?!! how'd you get my number! not important. anyway yes i can come, text we when you arrive- rei" 

i look over at makoto and he is fast asleep on the sofa. "makoto? mako-" he wakes up. "come on lets go to bed before you fall asleep again" we go upstairs and i set an alarm for 2 am


a/n sorry for not updating, its the summer holidays and i kinda forgot. anyway here is a nice long one :3 (not in that way XD)


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