chapter 4

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makoto pov

i woke u at 2am by nagisa bursting though my door all happy

"time to get up mako-chan!!!!!" he shouted as he jumped repetitively on the bed, i groaned and rolled over "nagisa, five more minutes" he stopped jumping and grabbed the duvet, throwing it off the bed and letting the cold night air hit me "no now, get up" i grunted again "fine".

after getting dressed a car pulled up outside and nagisa basically dragged me to it. we arrived at the air port and got onto a nice looking jet. inside had sofa's and a mini fridge, a bar and a disco ball hanging from it. "nagisa why is there a disco ball?" he puts his stuff on the sofa then turns to me "incase of partys, now sit down" he got up and walked to the bar "want a drink?" i shook my head "maybe later, i might take a nap for awhile if thats alright?" he poured himself a rum and coke "yeh thats okay, the flights long so we have time" i nodded and layed down on one of the sofa's, letting sleep consume me.

~haruka's pov~

i arrived at the airport and did what nagisa asked me to. i was escorted to a black jet. "nagisa you always like to over dramatize things" i think to myself while rolling my eyes. walking in a see nice leather seats, a mini fridge, a bar and a disco ball. what does nagisa even do? doesnt matter i need to sleep. i lay down on a sofa and fall asleep pretty quickly.

~makoto's pov~

i woke up to the sun shinning though the window of the plane. "nagisa" i said in a deep morning voice "yeh?" he relyed "how long is the rest of the jouney?" "about 5 hours" i grunted and got up. walked over to the bar and poured myself some water. "howd you sleep" he asked "yeah i slept well, how long is the plane flight by the way?" "about 13 hours, you slept 8 hours, ive slept about 7" i nodded and sat down next to him "wanna watch a film?" he asked pulling a laptop out of his bag next to him. "ok, what one" he didnt say anything but put up Netflix and started watching a film called jaws, needless to say i got scared by it . we then watched titanic because it was a 3 hour film and by the time we finished we would have landed . the film finished and 5 minutes later the captain announced we are going in for landing.

~haru pov~

landing in iwatobi airport, i didnt know where to meet nagisa so i walked around the airport alittle more then messaged him

"you never said where to meet me"

an hour later i got a reply "hey dude, we still have another 2 hours of flying so meet us at your house, here is rei's number so message him to head to yours" at the end was a phone number, holding it down and then clicking call the phone started to ring (no shit haru XD)

"hello? who is this"

"its haru"

"haru?! how did you get my number?!"

"rei, head to mine now, you know where it is"

witht hat i hung up and headed to my old home.

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