♛Chapter Two♕

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A/N: This is at the same time, just different places. Pic above is Tyler.


The sun made it's way through my superannuated, yet fashionable blinds. I had been in a deep slumber when I was awakened to a light knock on my door.

"Enter." I yawn and a young maid slipped in with a silver cart, food being held on it. I drowsily sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I wonder what I got this time. I thought curiously as she removed the small dish off the cart and held it in one hand.

With the other, she pulled the cover off to reveal biscuits and gravy. I nod to her, showing I had approved and she set it down in front of me. On my nightstand, she placed a small glass of orange juice on it. I quickly finished my food and gulped my juice down. The maid had quickly removed the dishes and hurried out.

With another yawn, I slid out of bed, my clothes already picked out, a dark blue plaid shirt, stone-washed skinny jeans and black vans, topping it off with a black fedora. Satisfied with the clothes, I head over to the bathroom and strip down, hopping in the shower. The warm water instantly washed my drowsiness away, as if it had gone down the drain along with the excess water. After washing, I hop out and dry off with a heated towel. With the towel wrapped around my waist, I head back out and get dressed.

Once dressed, I head over to my mirror and pick up my comb. I comb my chocolate brown hair so that it's spiked at the end and use my gel to secure it in place. I then grab my cologne, which smells of pines and peppermint. After a few sprays of the strong-smelling fragrance, I head over to the bathroom and brush my teeth, finishing with mouth rinse and grab my backpack, heading for my limo.

I take the elevator down, and suddenly there's a beeping sound and a screen lowers itself in front of me. I sigh, seeing my father.

"Hey son, sorry I couldn't make it this time."

More like all the time.

"I hope you know that I love you."

You sure have a funny way of showing it.

"Have a good day at school."

Uh huh, have a good time at work, allowing it to consume you.

Before I could say anything, the screen retracts and the only way I got to talk to him during the day was gone. I sigh just as the door opens and I walk out confidently, hiding my emotions. The doors were already open. It was as hard enough as it is, being an adopted child and all. My father is known as Mr. Robinwood, the technology genius, to the world. Apparently, reading and hearing the rumors about him, he never had time for a love life or kids. His job required his complete and utmost attention all the time. Rumors are that I'm just being used. Mr. Robinwood needed a heir and well, as explained, he has no children. Except for me. I guess I'm being used to continue my father's job when he dies. It's a shame that my only inferred being here is for business purposes. I shake my head, feeling depressed at the thought. As I approach the limousine the driver comes out and opens the door for me,

"Ready to go, sir?" He asks me.

I nod, "Yea, but please call me Tyler. The whole 'sir' thing makes me sound old." I force a laugh, trying to lighten the mood but it comes out bitter. He smiles at me briefly before slamming the door shut. The next thing I know, the car is moving and I'm on my way to school.


A/N: Sorry the chapters are so short! Anyway, I hope you liked it!

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