♛Chapter Six♕

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Above is Cara ♠ 

My heart raced as I neared the source of the living water. I began to run, my necklace glowing the brightest it could have ever glowed. It started to shake instead of vibrate now. I could feel something happening as if it were gravitating me towards this place of dense undergrowth that was laden with prey and life. It seemed I had run for miles. Not a single bit of civilization, as the humans called it, was in sight. 

"I'm free," I breathed, stopping as I saw the water. A small waterfall cascaded down over the rocks gently, landing into a pool that seemed to be glowing to me. I feel it. This is the place we'll be to go home. Being mesmerised by the forest, I made my way towards the pool of water. Being thirsty, I decided it was safe to get a drink and slowly making my way closer, resting on my knees and extending with outstretched hands. 

"Dalia Southstone, come here right now!" a voice broke my trance and caused me to retract my hand quickly and get up. The voice was furious. Moments later I could hear light footsteps followed by heavier ones. What now, my thoughts growl and I turn around sharply, my temper being spiked up again. My anger dropped instantly seeing it was Cara. Following her was a nervous looking Abbiee, rubbing her hands occasionally as she pursued my infuriated sister. She always did that when she felt guilty. Not a good sign. "What do you think you're doing out here?" Cara practically shouted at me. I flinched at her tone. She's never had to use a tone like this with me. Her nature was calm and gentle. This was a side of her I never saw.

"I was worried sick! Don't know how late it is? Look at the sun! It's almost sundown and you're out here dillydallying like you have all the time in the world!" Her harsh words destroyed the feeling I got here. It vanished. I glanced up at the sky. She's right. 

"I'm sorry Cara-" I began, trying to apologize but she wasn't finished. 

"Abbiee had to come get me! She was worried that you'd gotten lost or worse! I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you and I never saw you again!" She looked close to tears at this point. Abbiee was standing there, an uncomfortable look on her face. I glared over at her. She should know me better than that. She knows I go off on my own here if I feel too angry to speak to anyone. What she did was stupid. 

Inhaling another breath, I tell her, "Cara, I'm sorry I didn't come home on time. I found something," my voice dropped to an excited whisper, "Cara, I think I found the way home. If you stand still, just listen to-" 

My sister raised a hand to stop me, "Enough. We're going home," Without saying anything else, she grabbed my wrist and started to drag me home. She was holding onto me as if I were about to fly away. Not wanting to add to the negative aura, I walked with Cara until I was at the same pace as her, passing Abbiee. 

As Cara and I passed Abbie, I heard a muffled, "I'm sorry, I wanted to help keep you safe," Gritting my teeth, I turn my head and tell her, "Thanks for scaring Cara. You've been great help," I hear her sigh, following us at least a few inches behind. When we arrive at the fence that segregates the forest from the human world, I shoot Abbiee one last glare before all of us depart and head to our temporary homes.  

A/N: It's Crystal again!  How was that? Lot's more drama here eh? Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about richie boy Tyler. Next chapter's all about him ^^ 

Stay tuned and bye! 


p.s. Reminder: if you see the little clove thingy (♧♣♧♣♧♣♧♣♧♣♧♣) that means it's in Tyler's pov, ok? ok ^^ Bye now. 

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