♛Chapter Five♕

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I break into a run, heading for the old electric fence that separated the woods from the sophisticated world that I very much hated. As my feet skim the concreted ground, that soon gave away to lush green grass, I hear heavy footsteps trail after me. 

I can't let them know! I groan and skid to a stop. I turn around with a small whoosh sound made, my eyes hard and defensive. My hardened eyes soften as I see who had been pursuing me. "Abbiee!" I scream with joy, running over to meet her and tackle her, causing her to nearly fall over. 

"What-" She demanded between gasps as I let her go, allowing her to double-over and rest her hands on her knees, "Were- You- Thinking?!" She shakes her head, her brunette mane of frizz shaking and trembling as she spoke. Abbiee Abbott has been my best friend since I entered this horrid, stupid world. Only last year did I notice she was wearing a necklace just as I was. The only difference is hers was shaped in a half moon, the rims of the half moon glowing indigo when we meet. 

"What did I do wrong?" I asked her tartly, my annoyance was growing but honestly, I already knew the answer. 

"Oh, you don't know?" She replied sarcastically, "Let's take a look at the list. One, you totally knocked Tyler out, two, you ran away, three, you left me behind!" She huffed, her Hispanic accent, as I've come to learn it being, became more identifiable as she allowed her temper to grow. 

"Pointing that out doesn't help it makes things worse," I respond coolly, not in the mood to put up with her personality at the moment. 

Abbiee just glared at me, her dark brown eyes narrowed. 

"Glaring doesn't do anything either," I growl, turning and fleeing deeper into the forest. Abbiee called out to me, but I decided to ignore her. I couldn't talk to anyone right now.  The only things I felt were frustration and anger. I was lost in the human world, I didn't belong here. Abbiee fits in, why can't you? A voice sneered as I continued to run, my many months, as humans call it, of training allowed me to be a swift and agile runner. I figure that Abbiee had given up on chasing me. 

After what seemed like endless years of running, I come to a stop, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I stopped to catch my shortened breath. You're outside your borders, I reminded myself but the sounds of a nearby waterfall and the scent of prey welcomed me, inviting me back into the land I knew and where I felt the most at home. 

With a drawn out anxious yet excited breath, I slowed into a walk and headed deeper into the forest that seemed to call out my name. 

My necklace began to glow and vibrate more than it ever did before. 


A/N: Woah!  It's been a while! Hey everyone! Crystal is back! Sorry it's been soooo long since I added a chapter to this book. I know, I've been gone. Life's gotten crazy and a lot of changes are happening. I really want to continue this book, so I decided to publish the chapter that I've been working on for a long time! I hope you all like it. I know I know, it's a short chapter. Again. I promise that things will be a bit more interesting and the chapter will be longer and have a lot more dialogue in it. Until then, guh'bye! 

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