♛Chapter Seven♕

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My world was black. I heard voices in the distance, unable to identify who they belonged to. I felt as if I were coming up from being underwater as the voices got louder and clearer.

"Will he be ok?" A man's voice sounded sharp with panic. Father? I couldn't believe it. Oh yes, he only jumps into ''father mode'' when I'm hurt and it could do something to his public image.

"Sir, he'll come to eventually. There was nothing fatal. He was most likely in shock," A woman's voice told the panicked man in attempts to assure him. With a small groan, I opened my extremely heavy eyelids. My vision was blurred for a moment but it became clear. The first thing I saw was the nurse-a plump and stout little lady who looked old enough to be my grandma-and my father at the foot of my bed.

"Son!" He cried out, rushing over to hug me. The only time you display physical affection is when I'm injured? I thought with annoyance but allowed him to hug me anyway, but his sudden physical contact caused me to tense up.

I saw the nurse smiled as if my tenseness were to be completely normal, "What a good father," she said before checking all the things I was hooked up to.

Nurse. You have the idea so wrong. He is not a good father

"Your son is ready to leave," the nurse said after checking all the machinery and unhooking me from them in the process.

"How long was I out for?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"Oh, just a couple hours," the nurse replied while finishing up her task in unhooking me, "You just go home and get some rest. Eat no solids for three days. After that you should be good to go," she said, her smile growing larger. I didn't know that was possible with the way she was already smiling. At least I wasn't out too long, I thought as I pushed my father away, he had been hugging me that whole time, as I got up. I still had my regular clothes on, just my shoes and hat were on a stand next to me. At least they didn't think it was serious enough to have me get into one of those weird dresses. I thought and it caused me to grin.

Putting on my shoes and hat, I joined my father who was standing at the exit. Together in awkward silence, we exited the hospital where our limo was waiting. Still silent, we entered the car. That's when all hell broke loose.

"How did this even happen?!" My father shouted, "You've never fought anyone before?! You're a straight A student and from what I heard everyone likes you?!"

I inhaled sharply, "Everyone except one," I mumbled, my jaw still sore. Suddenly I hear my phone buzz. I take it out to see it was my girlfriend calling. I glanced at my father who was busy on his phone now, not paying anymore attention to me. I decided to answer her call.

"Hey babe," I respond, a weak smile on my face. She made me happy and I loved her. One day I'll marry her, I thought as my affectionate side was pulled out.

"Hey honey! Are you ok?" She responded, concern truely showing in her voice. Yet the odd thing was that she seemed to be whispering.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just a little sore," I told her casually yet suspicion was starting to raise in me. Please don't let her be- Just as if my thoughts had been heard, I heard a masculine voice in the background. My heart stopped. I pray this wasn't what I think it is. 

"Whose that with you?" I asked. Half of me regretted asking the silent question. The other half of me wanted to know. My heart was beating wildly as she didn't answer for a few moments.

She paused, as if hesitating, "Just my cousin," she eventually responded ever-so sweetly, "No biggie right?" I hear the voice in the background laugh and I'm able to make out some of what he said, but it was very faint.

"Your cousin? Seriously?.....do better than that,"

As if she were holding the phone away, she muttered, "Shut up you idiot," then her voice returned to the phone, "Come by my house later today at 3:15 ok?" She purred.

"O-Ok...?" I respond, glancing at my watch. Only 2:30 pm. I could make it.

"Great! See you then!" then she hung up, leaving me confused.

At that same moment the car stopped and I was home.

MacKenzie Lovelock, what are you playing at?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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