~Lost And Found~

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All these tress were driving me crazy. Everything looked the same and I had no clue where I was or how long I had been walking. The bitter winds seeped through my thin jacket causing involuntary shivers the corse through me.

Dull greens and Browns surround me as I forced my weary legs to move forward despite their protests. Dried blood and half heal cuts ran along every inch of my skin, I was lucky. These injuries were nothing compared to what other faced but in an instant I would have switched places with them.

Every time I blinked I would see the rivers of blood and the the chorus of screams was constant in my head, constantly replaying to no end. After nearly a week alone with my thoughts it wouldn't have surprised me in the least if I was going mad.

In an attempt to clear my thoughts I shook my head hoping to shake the thoughts out of my mind. But they remained.

My dried tears made my face feel tight and with all the dirt that had clung to my made it worse. My throat burn and it hurt to swallow but I hadn't come across a river yet. It was a miracle that dehydration hadn't killed me yet, not that I would mind.

The need to rest was so strong but I knew if I stopped there was no hope of moving again and so I kept moving at a slow pace. I was silently pleading for someone to save me but no knight in shining armour came.

It could've been a few minutes or hours later, I wouldn't know, when my saviour came in the shape of a small dirty lake. I tried to run towards it but it was more of a drunken jog and let my self sink into the cold water.

I greedily drank, not caring that the water was dirty and many animals has probably bathed in it, before scrubbing the grim and blood off as best as I could. I laid at the edge of the lake drying off in the sun and resting.

I could make it. I could survive. Not that I really knew how. I was shielded from most of the world, my parents telling me that it was too dangerous for me, that people would kill me. What people?! I hadn't seen a single human for days only squirrels and other animals.

Once my clothes were nearly dry I decided to have my last fill of water and try and find some food. As I had no bandages or medical supplies I had to cover a rather nasty gash on my arm with a piece of my ripped kimono.

I was lucky once more as I found a blackberry bush that helped ever so slightly to fill my groaning stomach. The sun began to hide behind the trees letting darkness slowly fall on the woodlands. But this did nothing to stop me from moving on towards the unknown location.

I wanted nothing more that to breakdown in tears and my parents to comfort me but that wasn't going to happen. My path was soon blocked my two odd looking men. Oh thank Kami, people!

"Oh wonderful actual people! Could you help me I've been walking for days trying to find civilisation." I cried out and flung my hands up in celebration.

"Oh Kakashi look at this poor youthful child! We must bring her to the village." The dark haired man wearing some kind of green one piece yelled at the other man who was apparently Kakashi. This Kakashi fellow looked incredibly board at the whole ordeal.

"Yeah I guess the Hokage would like to talk to her but she looks dangerous." His one visible eye bored into my blue ones. Was he nuts? I couldn't hurt a fly and he thought I was dangerous?

The Phoenix Queen (Previously The purple Phoenix)(on hold/ rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now