~The Closet Pervert~

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I felt like shit. My whole body was black and blue, cuts ran along my bare skin, my clothes were completely shredded. My muscles felt like a ton of lead weights pressed onto them and I almost couldn't bare to move them, but I did. I started with my fingers and toes moving slowly up my body wiggling each part until I finally had the strength to sit up.

It was early morning and the birds were back to their usual chirping as I grunted up onto my knees. My legs were shaking under my weight but I knew if I didn't get medical help now then I would die of chakra lose. After three deep breathes I finally rose to my feet. I stood there, panting, for a few minutes more I waddled towards the forest.

Hope bloomed inside when I reach the first tree. I leaned against the worn bark and smiled. I could do this. So I continued to stumble from one tree to the other until I passed the barrier.

"Kakashi!" I yelled, my voice cracking from my dehydration. I was hoping the because I hadn't come home last night that he would be near by waiting for me. I continued to move closer to the village in a desperate attempt to save my self.

"Help!" I didn't care who found me I just needed someone to take me home, not the hospital. I only go there if my special doctor is there otherwise I'll just sleep it off. I heard some rustles near by. I stumbled in that direction pray to Kami that it wasn't just an animal.

My sliver haired saviour jumped from the tree and caught me before I collapsed to the ground. He looked me over and sighed before jumping off towards our house. I smiled before letting sleep take me over, safe in Kakashi's arms.

This time I woke up on my bed with a cold damp cloth laying gently on my forehead and wrapped in bandages like a mummy. My tongue felt like sandpaper, rubbing at my inner mouth and lips but Kakashi had thought ahead and left a glass of water for me. A small smile played on my lips but it only cased my bottom lip to split and bleed.

I drank the water greedily. Savouring the felling of the cold liquid gliding down my dry throat. Now my chakra was at a safe level I could finally think straight about the events that had happened. The feeling of utter helplessness when Gaara had me trapped in his sand. I was just going to hug the boy since I didn't want him to feel excluded but he tried to kill me.

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about everything. At least Sasuke no longer wanted to kill me, after our little chat on the roof he treated me like every one else so I guess that's a start. I refused to let the tears fall and instead get up and out of bed to visit Kakashi's team since I had taken a liking to them.

I ignored my aching bones and took a quick shower and removed the unnecessary bandages and changed the ones that I still needed. I pulled on a light blue battle kimono and some black shorts with thought high ninja sandals. I didn't wear the kimonos my mothers team wore since I don't know what I'd do if they got ruined.

I brushed out the numerous tangles in the red hair that was now slightly darker before braiding it into two French plaits to keep it out the way. I tied my black forehead protector tightly in the style of a hairband much Sakura. Once happy that I didn't look too terrible I decided to visit the Hokage and see if Konohamaru was with him.

I leaped out the window and let my body fall to the ground. Just before I went splat I rolled carefully to spread the fall onto my shoulder. After brushed the dirt off me I walked peacefully towards the red building that rose above the rest. I didn't want to strain my body too much see as how when I jumped out the window it hurt more that it should've.

I smiled at the children that ran past playing tag, the man who owned the weapon store who I was good friends with, I even bought some food for dinner tonight. It was nice. Having a moment to relax. Where I didn't have to worry about being killed or if my loved ones would survive their next battle.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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