~Old Friends~

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Five years later...

The walk back from the land of noodles was a long one. Since I wasn't on an official mission from the Hokage I was taking my time, enjoying the view.

I was maybe a few miles off the coast in the land of fire, on my way back to Konoha after quite a while away from it. It was no lie that I was super excited to head back home and see friends that I'd missed. Well the ones that were left.

The Uchiha massacre had hit me hard. First a close friend committing suicide then your best friend killing your teammate and someone you looked up as your aunt. Every part of my brain wanted to hate Itachi for his horrible crimes but over the two years I had been away my heart couldn't help but forgive him.

We hadn't known each other for long but if I knew him how I though then he had a motive, and a good one at that. I was also constantly filled with guilt that I hadn't stayed to look after Itachi's brother Sasuke but instead I went on as many missions as I could with the rest of my team.

Even after years of traveling nature still amazed me to no end. All the elements working together in harmony to create something so beautiful, life. The walk was so peaceful and lovely.

That was until the sound of clashing metal interrupted the peace. I picked up the pace to see what the obvious fighting was about. I knew I was quite close to that path that most walked so I was assuming that's where the battle was being fought.

A man, I think, said some words that were lost in the wind but a group of footsteps began to travel towards me. The trees opened up to show a group of genin and their Sensei with an older looking man. But I only looked at the sensei, an old friends of mine.

"Kakashi!" I called out as I broke through the shrubbery. All four ninja pulled out weapons as I ran towards the on silver haired Jonin. Once her recognised my flaming red hair he lowed his kunai and let me jump on him.

"It's been a long time Nuria." He spoke softly as he hugged me back before letting me place my feet on the ground. My green eyes shine with happiness until he bonked me on the head.

"Two years and you didn't once come visit me." He scolded as I rubbed the bump he'd left. I guess I did deserve that. I gave him a sheepish smile and turned to the confused students of Kakashi and the board man.

"Hello I'm Nuria Amaranthine a ninja from Konoha just like you guys." I stuck my thumb at forehead protected. The blonde blue eyed boy grinned widely at me and introduced himself.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki the next Hokage, believe it!" Uzumaki, so he was Kushina's son. My eyes looked down at the black K on my kimono as I smiled at him.

"Well you're going to have to take on grandpa first but I'm sure you could do it." He was just so bubbly and sweet that I almost couldn't sense the dark chakra coming from him. It seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Really!" He yelled. I giggled and nodded before scanning Naruto's teammates. The girl had bubblegum pink hair and emerald eyes that were similar to mine. But when I studied the boy my breath caught. He looked so much like his brother that my heart almost shattered looking at him.

Guilt filled me like always when I remembered the last survivor of the Uchiha clan who I'd only met a few times. I hadn't seen him since before the massacre and that young happy boy changed to an emotionless ninja.

I carefully walked towards him and kept eye contact with his onyx eyes that most Uchiha's possessed. His face remained the same but his eyes showed slight recognition.

The Phoenix Queen (Previously The purple Phoenix)(on hold/ rewritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon