Where Is Kenny Now?

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On the third episode of Secret Lives of Americans, an incredibly spirited young man named Kenny reveals a secret that most people harbor for their entire lives.

"My secret is, I'm HIV positive," Kenny states as he musters the courage to make this heavy proclamation.

While 1.2 million people in the United States are living with the infection, few are open and honest about their condition. The stigma surrounding the disease pushes many into secrecy because they fear the possibility of isolation and rejection from their peers.

But as adverse as Kenny's situation could appear, he refuses to let it take over his life. "After I revealed my secret, I've been feeling amazing," he says. "I've been feeling as free as a bird because I have an amazing support system. I live a life of fulfillment because I don't let anything stop me."

Where is he now? Kenny is pursuing a career as a fashion consultant in Los Angeles. He recently moved in with a good friend and is more open to dating after revealing his secret. "I'm kind of seeing someone, and he's actually HIV negative," Kenny says. "And he said, 'I'm not going to let that stop me.' That even inspires me. I wanna give people hope."

But before Kenny can set an inspirational example for others in his situation, he must make his final and most important reveal: "I want to tell my mother. I feel like that's one thing I need to do to move forward. But I need to do it face-to-face. I need her to see me so she can see how happy I am." 

Watch episodes of 'Secret Lives of Americans' on pivot or download the series on iTunes. 

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