Chapter 7

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Interviewer: Alright, welcome back everybody! So ladies, my favorite song of you guys is Sledgehammer, and the music video is just perfect. So I was wondering who makes your heartbeat like a sledgehammer? Who makes your heart flutter?

Ally: Waffle house.

Interviewer: I was actually talking about a boy.

Ally: Oh! oops haha. Um, Justin Timberlake.

Normani: Chris Brown.

Dinah: Paul Wesley.

Lauren: Johnny Depp.

Camila: What if is a girl the one that makes my heart flutter?

Camila your heterosexuality is dead on the floor, mija.

Interviewer: What girl makes your heart flutter, Camila?

Camila: Emma S-

Dinah: LAURENNNNN!!!!!

The interview was cut down by the amount of bad words that flew across the room, by Lauren Jauregui.

Lauren: Misericordia.

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