Some Advice (Take it or leave it.)

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If you want to write a good story, leave out brand names, expensive cars, messy buns, messy ponytails, and scruffy haircuts. Let your characters have some pride in being well-groomed. Leave out the details that you think will show how rich a character is. Put in the details that will show how cultured or intelligent a character is. If your character is rich, but a braggart and an asshat, people will eventually grow tired of him or her. 

Who, in their right mind, would wear their hair all messy-looking with a mini skirt, Converse tennis shoes and a hoodie? And I get tired of hearing about skinny jeans, too. And a Lamborghini is pretty unrealistic for a teenager to drive, unless you're Donald Trump's child or one of the Hiltons. Just sayin'.

Also, leave out werewolves, because, as a friend of mine put it, "Have you noticed how many are the alpha wolf, or the daughters of alphas, or the girlfriends of alphas? Okay wolves form packs, but how many small towns are now home to large wolf packs of high school teenagers?" Thank you, @D77arby. I would add that I have never seen that many rich people in one town; and I have lived in a lot of different places.

If you must have werewolves, please make them believable, or at least make it possible for us readers to suspend disbelief and remain interested in your story. Not every werewolf can be the alpha or the beta. Sometimes a wolf is just a wolf, and an ordinary werewolf is still more special than a boring old human, you know. 

I can hear it now: "But Tawn! My alpha is such-and-such and he just couldn't be that if he wasn't an alpha!"

Okay, have your alpha, but make him old enough to be one! A 17-year-old who is still in high school cannot be an alpha. I'm sorry, a pack needs a leader with the life experience to lead. 

Pack houses are big, so you can have big houses in your story, but don't make them rival Buckingham Palace. It's just not that believable to anyone but teenage girls. However, if teenage girls are your targeted audience, then go ahead.

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