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Chapter 3

Glowing green eyes watching my every move as I flashed through the woods, in my golden brown wolf. I could hear my own heart beat in the silence. And feel every movement in my body. I heard a howl rip through the still air that made me shiver in pleasure. It came from the green eyed mystery. I turned around and faced him, and ran but I heard a click, and the next thing I know I'm being woken up, and pulled away from my green eyed mystery.

" get up get get up" Leigh said jumping up and down on my bed.

Just five more minutes" I groaned as I pulled the bed covers over my head. 'Yea maybe five more minutes would be great' I thought as i closed my eyes again.

" told you she wouldn't notice" a guy said, probably Jacob.

But couldn't I just sleep for another five minutes or two. Nope. " hey Nicky wanna go visit Gabby in prison"

I shot straight out of bed and probably got whiplash. " she's in prison" I said in disbelief.

I heard Jacob chuckle and mumble some words." No silly that's what I call school because you know it's a prison." Leigh said

"Not a fan I take it" looking at both of them. " yep " they coursed.

If you wondering I finished high school last year and had a steady job in the city along with Caleb, as we went to collage together. But I dropped out as you can see.

Also Leigh is 19 like me, while Jacob and josh are 20, and sadly Gabby is 18 and is going through her last year in 'prison'.

"Where's josh" I question." Oh him, he's ' protecting' your bike. I think that's what he called it." Leigh said rolling her eyes.

" me too " Jacob said walking out the door.

The door I locked last night so how did they get in here, and how did they find me. I questioned myself.

" hey ah, how the hell did you get in here, let alone find me? " I asked. while I got up and grabbed my ripped navy blue skinny jeans pink pocka dot socks, along with a black and white striped long sleeved top and my brown ugg boots.

" funny story actually" she said sheepishly " but I girl never tells."

" come on Leigh" I say while giving her a curious look. I mean if she could get in then who knows if that beta guy did. But why didn't Autumn warn me?

' must have slipped my mind' she says innocently. Innocent my ass. I roll my eyes.

" you know " Leigh finished. Oops I wasn't listening.

" sorry Leigh, can you please repeat what you said, I was having a war with my wolf. " I said

" oh I was wondering why you were quiet. Well I was just saying that I have my ways as in, I was once rogue too." She said with a wink.

" that's just creepy" I said, and we burst out laughing. But seriously who wants people watching them sleep in middle of the night, or silently trashing your hotel room, or worse what if they came in and made creepy pictures of you and them while you were sleeping. Ew.

" ok I confess, I know the guy the owns this hotel, plus once I got here all I had to do is follow your sent." She said like it was writing your name. " so you ready"

" yea just let me get my jacket" I said while I got my phone. And yes the jacket is leather." I'll meet you in the car park." She nods and leaves. Weird no one has ever nodded to me.

I locked my hotel door and went to the car park to find the guys around my bike. 'Typical' I say to myself. " hey you don't know the way to the school, so maybe you should ride with josh and leigh and ill take your bike." Jacob says as soon as he saw me enter the car park.

Faded light (doing a re write so do not read) not finishedWhere stories live. Discover now