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Chapter 5

 I stood frozen. I can’t believe he caught my lie. But could I really tell him the truth. To be honest I couldn't just come out and say; my name is Nicole Windark I’m ran away from my old life because I got pregnant with a human. It was my fault they both died too. Oh and by the way I have no family and was kicked out of my old pack. Do you still love me? Because obviously he’s going to reject me once he finds out the truth. He might see me as a weakness to his pack.

“Tell me the truth, what’s your real name" he spoke softly.

"Nicky" it wasn’t a complete lie. I saw him having a silent conversation with Gabby as he turned around and Gabby bowed her head, as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Why are you rogue?" another game of 20 questions I sighed. My head bowed not wanting to answer.

"Hey don’t bow your head at me nick" as he lifted my chin to meet his adoring green eyes. "I’m your mate you shouldn’t have to bow your head to anyone." I swear if I could, I would have melted into a puddle ice-cream with the way he spoke so softly, and with the unknown emotion in his eyes.

"Sorry" I mumbled

“Here let me into your mind and I’ll find everything." he said. But I shook my head in denial. "What are you hiding? Please it can’t be that bad. Can it?"

I bowed my head again feeling hopeless. There’s a part of me that wants to tell him. And another part that scared shitless of what will happen if I do.

He sighed. “Did you not listen to me before? I don’t like it when you bow your head to me. Why are not telling me anything"

"I i-i cant"' I said stuttering. "Why not" his voice getting frustrated

"Be-because" what do I tell him.

"Because?" I feel like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

'Nicky remember what you wanted when we first left. You wanted another chance in life. So  just tell him.' my wolf said. Her words held reason but I was scared of the outcome.

'What if I tell him and he-' I was cut off. 'What did I say about what if's Nicole' she growled

'I know. ‘she paused ‘Now please just listen to me for once. He will love you no matter what. He will always care for you, and protect you until his last dyeing breath. he will never let us go now that fate has allowed us to be.' her words sounded too good to be true, because ever since I came into this town everything has been moving too fast and its hard keeping track of everything.

"Um look Ethan. I know were mates but I just met you and there are things I don’t really want to share at the moment. So please I will tell you in time, but my wounds are still fresh and when they are healed I will tell you." I said and was stunned by my words. They were mine and autumns words put together in reasoning.

"Okay" he said pulling me into his chest. “But. Will your past endanger our pack." he asks.

"No" I reply.

He sighed in relief. "Then I will wait until you’re ready" pecks my nose. "Come on its getting late" he guesser’s towards the house, and takes my hand in his. The tingles are getting to me.

"I should probably get back to the hotel" I say sheepishly. His grip tightens and he says. “you’re staying here" you could see his possessiveness coming through.

With werewolf’s they tend to get very jealous and possessive over there mate if someone is flirting with them or they disagree on certain subjects, but for alphas and betas it’s multiplied by 10. Like in this moment where I barley know my mate and all he wants to do in get in my pants. Because that’s all that running through his mind right now.

"Like I said barely know you. I want time to get to know you as well as build a new life. I don’t want to jump into anything too fast. Even though that kiss was amazing, but a lot has happened lately and I need everything to slow down." I babbled on.

"At least join the pack" gabby said braking into our conversation. “yea it would be good to have you around" josh joined in. I bet that boy only wants ally.

"Who’s ally" Ethan cuts in. he’s been reading my thoughts

"Her baby" gabby replies and I almost burst out laughing when I saw the look on his face.

"You have a baby" he tenses up, and I felt a pang in my heart. His eyes flickering with emotion of hurt, anger, sadness, and something else.

"Not that kind of baby. That’s my baby" I said pointing to her. He relaxes and wraps his arms around me. "Don’t scare me like that" he whispers.



I know its short but all my chapters can’t be long.

Also I will only be doing different point of views near the end of this story.


Faded light (doing a re write so do not read) not finishedWhere stories live. Discover now