Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

Hally smiled to herself as she walked down the street of the housing estate, observing the Halloween decorations that had already been set up by the pleasant people of Burgess. Halloween was only a week away and, to Hally's great delight, all of the houses that she had come across so far on her little excursion around one of Burgess' many housing estates, had been decorated with fun decorations. One house that had caught her eyes, had completely transformed their entire front yard into a creepy graveyard, complete with plastic gravestones and skeletons. Another house had also impressed Hally, with its vast array of lights and spooky sounds that seemed to play at random. She had seen several people jump as they had walked past the house, which had made Hally laugh hard.

Halloween was only a week away and already, Hally could feel the excitement in the air as children ran from house to house in the neighbourhood, looking for their friends or even to observe their own neighbours' scary Halloween decorations.

Every year Hally, along with her own Halloween helpers, would pick a certain town to settle in the week before Halloween and observe the town while preparing for their big night. It was the power of each town, every year that she visited, that helped give her the strength to spread the spirit of Halloween.

The town she had chosen had been a small colonial town in America, called Burgess. It had seemed to Hally, like a very average American town, with its giant Walmart and Starbucks chains. She had always liked coming to America, where she felt there was a strange sense of magic about the way that Americans seemed to celebrate her holiday. There was always something to do, a party that had been organised, organised trick or treating, magical firework displays. From her own perspective, she always found that in America, the theme was go big or go home. It was something that she liked about America. She liked to make things big for Halloween.

She was deep in her own thoughts as she continued on her walk, twisting the golden locket around her fingers as she pondered over the costume alterations that her Halloween helper, Trish, had planned for Hally and her team to wear on the big night, as they would rush around, ensuring that everything that they had planned for the people of Burgess, would continue to go as planned. There was another thing that seemed to plague Hally's thoughts as she walked down the street.

Although Burgess, on the outside, looked like an average American town, there was something about the strange weather that made Hally question her decision about choosing Burgess as the capital of Halloween cheer. She and her helpers had always set up a base somewhere in the town, usually in a cave or an old abandoned house. It was where Hally would practise her skeleton dance routine, where Trish would add the little last details to costumes and where she and her Halloween helpers would do the most work. They had long been used to all types of weather and living arrangements, but there had been something different in this town that Hally had noticed.

Winter seemed to have come a lot quicker than she had expected. Already that week, there had been three days where it had snowed. Hally had been worried that it would continue to snow the entire week, especially on the big night. She had only encountered snow on Halloween in very few locations, like Moscow and the North Pole, but she had a strange feeling that there was something else at play in this town, when it came to the strange and sudden drops in temperature and weather forecasts.

They had never been in a town where every day there was either snow, frost, or some sort of cold weather. She had entrusted Rufus, one of her helpers, to ensure that everything that they had planned for Halloween night, would be able to last through the strange, wintery weather.

Just as she had been thinking about the snow, soft flakes began to gently fall from the heavens, causing Hally to groan in frustration. She couldn't even be alone with her thoughts. As soon as she had begun to worry about the snow, it came.

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now