Chapter 3 - Perfect Rhythm

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She had no idea what had happened. Larry immediately ran towards the group of four abusing his brother. He threw a solid punch that knocked out one of them but the other three grappled against him and took him down. Laurent lay on the floor, nose bleeding.

The few people in the room dispersed out the door immediately. The bartender took out his phone and dialled the police.

Her training had laid dormant inside her for many years. But seeing Larry, and perhaps even Laurent, helpless against these maniacs woke her up. An anger she had never felt before shook her and her eyes clouded with rage.

She ran at the nearest man, who was short but highly overweight, and jumped high, wrapping her legs around his chubby neck mid air. She twisted her body and used the momentum to bring him down. Legs still wrapped, she punched his nose for good measure. She sprung up lightly on her  feet and turned around to see thug no. 2 racing towards her while shouting battle cries. Vivian's lips curled into a mocking smile at his dramatics. As soon as he got close enough, she slipped nimbly towards the floor and he bowled over her, landing hard on his front. The third and last man was the strongest of them all, at a medium height and great muscle tone. Then he faced Vivian and spit on the ground, and glared at her menacingly.

One of the most important lessons she was taught was to never break eye contact with your opponent. It makes you look weak, and instills confidence into the other, which could be more than enough to ensure your loss. But her concern for Larry got through to her and she flickered her eyes towards him to see if he was ok.

Larry was frozen in shock. He was still on the ground but had managed to drag himself towards Laurent, who was also staring at her in confusion. She could almost read their thoughts. "How the hell are you flying around in the air like Jackie f*cking Chan?!"

She would have a tough time explaining this later. But for now, the big guy was her biggest concern.

Before she could focus back on him, he swung out his large meaty paw and hit her square in the jaw. She fell to the floor and pain radiated from her face and neck. The hard floor bruised her arms which she had thrown out to soften the fall.  She pulled herself together and stood up clumsily, nearly tripping. She clenched her fists and drew out her arms in the boxing position. This had always been one of her weaknesses. She was good at disabling her enemies because her small body gave her a strong advantage with speed. But once she gets hit, it's all over for her.

He walked towards her slowly, each step making the floor creak with his heavy weight. She stood helpless, barely able to maintain her balance as she rocked side to side. Larry couldn't understand how a man that big could even raise a hand against a tiny girl like Vivian. However, he mostly couldn't understand how that 'tiny girl' had managed to take down two heavily built men on her own.

Larry flinched as the man aimed another punch towards her lower abdomen, but she dodged it and kicked him in the shin. Her attack looked powerful, but it seemed to make no difference to him whatsoever.

Suddenly police sirens sounded right outside the door, and the flashing blue red lights lit up the entrance of the club. Two officers drew out guns and ordered the large man to lay on the ground. They cuffed him and took them away, along with the three men who were laying on the ground, moaning in pain.

Vivian suddenly felt exhausted as the adrenalin rush drained out. Before she could fall, a pair of strong wiry arms caught her. "Larry..." she whispered and her eyes closed and then there was nothing.

Laurent tried to hold her steady before he realised she had passed out. He weaved his arm under her knees and lifted her. Her head hung limp towards his side so he used his other hand to bring her head in towards his chest.

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