~Chapter One~

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That day always finds a way to replay in my head...

We were staring at the broken down walls of No. 6, the wind was blowing ever so softly, I was taking in all that happened.

Entering the correctional facility, killing a man for hurting Nezumi, Seeing Safu just to leave and let her die, almost dying, hearing Safu sing, and leaving the correctional facility, and my first glimpse of the broken walls of No. 6, me calling out to Nezumi, tearing up the slightest, and that kiss...

The farewell kiss Nezumi gave me before telling me I'm going to be fine.

I remember walking with Hamlet on my shoulder and the happy baby in my arms. I remember my mom running up to me and stared at the baby and held it, she said how beautiful it was while crying. She gave me the biggest hug I've ever gotten from her, then she stared at me, she cupped a hand on my face and felt my scar along my left cheek. She felt my white hair and stared into my red eyes.

I smiled at her but I soon started thinking of Nezumi. I broke down crying, I dropped down to my knees, I kept repeating to myself, "We'll meet again, we'll meet again. we just have to."

My mother comforted me, saying that we will reunite once again, and I know we will.

I just know it, we can't part forever and have that be it, our story isn't finished yet.

"Shion?" I heard a voice call to me as I stared into the amazing night sky. I looked to my left as I saw my mother with her hair up with a band, and a bonnet on her head.

"Oh, hey mom." I greeted as I shuffled my seating position.

"It's getting a bit late," my mother let out a tired content sigh. "Don't you think you should start heading home?" She gave me a loving smile.

"Oh...yeah! I need to get some rest, it's so tiring to work here, you're amazing if you can do this all day." I was helping her at work today, she called because today, for some reason was a busy day.

"Thank you," she paused. "Hey Shion?"

"Yes?" I stood up and picked up my coat from the chair it was neatly folded on.

"You seemed to be thinking intently back there. What were you thinking of? If you don't mind me asking."

I stared at her with my mouth opened just slightly, I looked at the clear sky. "Nothing in particular." I gave a smile.

"Oh, well okay then." My mom said as she tussled my hair.

"Well I should get going then."

My mom placed a small kiss on my forehead and came another person from the building.


She was that baby that I have saved, my mother adopted her, so she is basically my sister now.

We are guessing Ayaka is four years old, she looked so small four years ago, so we think she was just a few months old.

"Shion! Shion!" She said and she hugged my leg. She was so adorable I swear.

"Hey Ayaka." I kneeled down to her and gave her a hug.

"Are you leaving now Shion?" She asked with her eyes getting a bit sad.

I nodded subtly. "Yes but we aren't going to be apart from each-other long I promise you that."  I smiled and stood up. "Later." I smiled and I left the building.

I was walking down the sidewalk nearing my apartment. I was really tired I could barely walk, I kept yawning, it was annoying.

Finally, I had made it, I opened the door and sighed quietly. I felt something run across my back and onto my shoulder, it was Hamlet.

"Hello, Hamlet." I pet his head as he made a tiny squeak. He's been by my side along with that dog...

Well until her time was up, it was two years ago, the best dogs leave so suddenly it's heartbreaking. She was very loyal. She will be missed deeply.

My stomach rumbled, heh, I guess I was so busy helping my mom I didn't get a chance to eat all day. I went into the very small and cramped kitchen and turned on the stove. I started to make soup, the kind Nezumi and I would eat like all the time. I smiled slightly just remembering him.

The more and more I think of that moment the more and more I start to miss Nezumi,
I really don't quite know why Nezumi left once the walls fell. I ran my thumb across my bottom lip remembering that last feel of Nezumi, I cherish that moment so much.

Once I started to get the things to get for the soup I realized I was missing an ingredient that wouldn't make the soup taste right if I decided to leave it out, I groaned. One because I was hungry, two because I was tired and had to go to the store.

"Hamlet, watch this place while I'm gone, I won't be gone long." I said as I walked out and shut the door behind me. I walked out and get a drop on my nose...

"Great." I breathed out sarcastically, I had to walk in the rain, but I guess I'll get an umbrella while I'm over there.

"You have such odd color hair and eyes, where did you get it from? Also is that a scar?" Asked the lady cashier.

I felt my hair, "Well it's a bit of a long story, about four years ago-" I was then cut off.

"The bees?" She asked in a low voice.

I was surprised she's probably lived in No. 6 then. "Y-yes, I'm guessing you lived here before the walls fell to ruins?" I raise my voice as if I were to ask a question.

"Mmm." She nodded with her eyes closed, "wiped out my family, well except my brother, it's just us now, we can't do anything about that now, I'm just glad he didn't go." She gave a sad smile and I couldn't help but give a pity smile.

"W-well, enjoy the rest of your night." She stutter and handed me the bag.

"Thanks...you too." I said as I walked out the store and brought my umbrella out and opened it. I started heading my way home.

I was looking down at the rain hitting the sidewalk, it wasn't bad, but the rain was light either.

I bumped into someone...and we both fell

"S-sor-!" I started shout my apology...

"Hey! Watch where you are goin-" I interrupted him.

"N-Nezumi?!" I shouted so surprised and filled with joy.

He was rubbing his forehead but once I did his name he looked straight at me.


"We'll Meet Again"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang