~Chapter Four~

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Once I closed the gap between us I was finally comfortable, Shion was like a pillow, so soft and warm, he looked like someone good to cuddle with. I fell asleep almost instantly.

"Hey Nezumi~" Shion said seductively.

I was sitting on the couch. "Hm?" I said obliviously.

Shion walked up in front of me. "So~ what are you doing?" He asks with a mischievous looking smirk and lust filled eyes. Before I could answer he sits on my lap and starts making out with me, I was blushing furiously but didn't push him away. Shion started feeling up and down my chest before placing his hand over the rim of my pants and undid my belt.

Then I woke up...

My breathing was a bit heavy I looked at Shion, well the back of his head anyway, he was sleeping very peacefully, and his breathing was steady and calm. My arms were still around him I gripped just a tad bit tighter on the boy, he shifted his position slightly. God he was so adorable.

That dream, is it bad to say I wanted it to continue? I haven't even known Shion for a year, yes, I know we met eight years ago, but we weren't together long enough. Do I even consider Shion as a friend? Surely I have to, he does know a fair amount of stuff about me.

I heard a yawn which snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Shion. He rubbed his eyes.

"G-good morning." He said followed by another yawn. "I was sleeping lightly, I felt your movements." Said Shion.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" I ask a bit worried, wondering if I disrupted his slumber.

He chuckled and nodded. "It's fine though." He said.

"Are you sure?" I ask feeling a bit sorry.

"I'm sure Nezumi." He turned around still in my arms. "How did you sleep?" He asks looking straight into my eyes.

I blushed softly, oh god, I was blushing. "Pretty good actually, thank you."

"I think this is a first." Shion said, oh god he was going to say it.

"What?" I ask, acting as if I don't know what he's talking about.

"You're blushing, silly." He said,


"Is it really that noticeable?" I ask.

Shion nodded. "It's fine I think it's a cute look on such a tough guy like you."

"Whatever" I averted my eyes away from Shion's quickly.

Shion let out an exaggerated sigh. "I want to stay here all day, but I promised my mother I would see her again today, Why did I say thaaaat?" He dragged out the 'a'.

"Your mother," I said. "Oh yeah I've never met her, just communicated with her is all." I mentioned.

"Do you want to come with me? We won't stay for long, probably stay for ten minutes if not twenty." He said.

"Sure I don't mind." I loosened my grip on Shion a bit.

"Well, I can make us breakfast and we can head out from there, you can shower if you want, you can even take the first one." He said sitting up in bed.

"That's very kind of you." I was a bit surprised actually.

"You shush." He flicked my forehead.

Well okay then...

"Owww." I rubbed my forehead.

"Get up, I'm going to make breakfast for you."

"Ugh mommy Shion returns, lay back down you were a nice pillow." I was acting so childish, oh my god.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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