~Chapter Two~

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I was walking, pretty calmly actually, I was listening to the soft, gentle, pitter patter of the rain. I hung my head low, with my scarf covering my nose, mouth, and chin. It's been four years, still, no Shion.

You see, I've been wanting to see Shion

But not desperately, so I wander around No. 6 just hoping one day we'll see each-other again, I don't want to go a crazy frantic search for him, I'm not that eager to see someone I spent less than a half a year with.

What if Shion has changed is what I think sometimes, what if he dyed his hair back to brown? What if he wears brown eye contacts? I actually liked his new features. I wonder what he did after I left, I know he had one of my rats, because I saw one missing and that one took liking to him the most, I think he named it but I don't remember because I told him not to name them and I don't really care enough to want to know its name.

I rubbed my left arm, it has a horrible scar from being shot in the correctional facility, I remember crying, it was when I saw Shion murder someone. That was the first time in years where I cried.

I got very caught up in my own thoughts, because I ended up bumping into someone and falling to the ground.

I rubbed my head. "H-hey watch where you are goi-" I was cut off.

"N-Nezumi?!" I heard a familiar voice then froze, I looked up.

It was Shion. "Shion..."

There was a long silence after that we stared into each-others eyes.

"Nezumi, where have you been all this time?!" Shion asked overjoyed with his goofy smile.

I couldn't form words I was so in shock. "I...uh..."

He was staring at me. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

"Eh...? What is it?" Shion asked.

I shook my head and smiled very faintly. "It's nothing," I stood up and let out a hand for Shion to get up. "Absolutely nothing." I added on as Shion bent down for his umbrella.

"Why are you walking in the rain without an umbrella? You are going to get sick!" Shion scolded me, he hasn't changed one bit, and I like that.

"I'm sorry, mom." I looked at Shion at the corner of my eye and smirked

A blush appeared on his face. "N-not funny."

I stuck my tongue out at him, then sighed. "Where are you headed?" I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets.

"Oh, uh, just back to my place, I was making food and needed to pick up something." Shion stated.

"Ah." I chuckled. "I see you've kept this hair." I ruffled his hair up.

"H-hey!" He fixed his hair. "Well, I wanted to, I grew attached to the color." He smiled his goofy smile. "Hey, um, would you like to join me for dinner?"

"Gladly, your majesty." I joked.

"Pretty small place eh?" I asked as I looked around.

"At least it's not like where you lived." Shion mentioned.

"Hey it's pretty nice down there." I argued.

"Wait, Nezumi, do you still live there?" Shion asked puzzled.

"Mhm. You can grow attached to the things you probably hate at first." I mentioned. "You liked it down there." I added.

"Well because I had you." Shion said as he was stirring the soup.

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