Chapter 30

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We were finally home. Greyson has adapted to being a big brother already even though we just got home yesterday. He loves looking at her when someone is holding her or when she's in her bouncy seat or swing. He always gives her kisses on her head before he goes to bed and it's so cute. Tyler is taking the rest of the week off to help me settle in and then hopefully I have this "mom of two" thing down. 

"Greyson, you need to lay down for your nap."  I was alone with the kids while Tyler worked out in the shop.

"No!"  He started crying and sat down on the floor in the kitchen.

"One.  Two.  Greyson you know what happens at three."  I put my hand on my hip.

"Ok."  He grabbed my hand and walked up to his room with me.

"Are you going to go to sleep now?"  I laid him in his firetruck bed and covered him up with his blanket.

He nodded and grabbed his stuffed bear off of the end of the bed.

"I love you."  I kissed his head.

"Wuv you too."  He snuggled up in his bed.

I closed the door behind me and walked over to Paisley's room to check on her.  She had fallen asleep right after lunch and had been sleeping a good twenty minutes before I put Greyson down.  She was laying on her back like she was when I put her there so I kissed her and walked back downstairs.  Tyler walked in the door covered in grease and dirt.

"How's it going?"  He took off his shoes and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Paisley's been sleeping for about 20 minutes or so, and I just put Greyson down."  I sat down on the counter and watched Tyler rummage through the fridge.

"That's good, so what's next on the mommy agenda?"  He joked.

"Picking up toys and doing laundry."  I laughed and looked at the mass amount of toys laying in the living room area.

"You're the best mommy out there."  Tyler closed the fridge and walked over to me.

"Oh really?"  I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Really."  He pulled on my hips and smashed his lips to mine.

Tyler nuzzled his face into my neck, causing his beard to tickle me.

"Stop."  I laughed, pushing on his chest.

"Mood killer."  He laughed and put me on my feet.

"You missed Greyson's tantrum before nap time.  He refused to go up until I started counting to three."  I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Kayla you need to learn that you should spank him.  I was spanked as a child, so were you and we turned out fine.  It's part of growing up, you do something bad, you get a spanking.  It's not like you're beating him to make him hurt, you're trying to discipline him so he acts better."  Tyler walked past me and sat down on the bar stool.

"Tyler it's hard.  I'm his mom and I don't want to see him hurt.  I know that we need to discipline him more because right now he thinks that he can do whatever he wants."  I stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders.

"Exactly, so next time he does that, spank him.  If you don't, I will and I'm sure that my spanking is harder than yours.  Trust me on this one babe, it's what we need to do."  He leaned his head down so his muscles were pulling a little more.

"We also need to get a time out chair, this standing in the corner isn't working, he doesn't stand still."  I kept rubbing his back, running my hands under his shirt and over his muscles.

"Yeah there's a good idea.  I'll just grab a plastic chair from your mom's next time and we can put that in a corner for him.  Make the area all boring and awful for him."  Tyler laughed.

"Hang up some long boring message so he can't read it.  I mean there's so much we could do with that time out corner, it's ridiculous."  I laughed.

"Just promise me that you'll start disciplining Greyson, I know that it's hard for you right now, but you need to start doing it before he gets out of hand.  I should probably go back out and finish that damn truck that I'm fixing up."  Tyler stood up and kissed me.

"Have fun."  I smiled and followed him to the door.

"I will.  Love you."  He kissed my head and opened the door.

"Love you too."  I shut the door behind him and looked at the toys in front of me.

I started with the soft toys, they always go on the bottom because they can't break like his trucks can.  Grabbing two trucks at a time, I stacked them in his toy box, making sure that the heavier ones were on the bottom.  His tractors were the biggest pain in the butt.  They didn't exactly fit the right way so they had to be on the top of the box in order for it to close.  Next up, laundry.  I started the water in the washing machine and ran up to mine and Tyler's room, fetching the dirty clothes out of the hamper.  I tossed in some darks first and started the first load.  By the time the kids woke up, I had a couple loads done and supper was being made. 

"Watcha making?"  Tyler whispered in my ear.

"Pork chops."  I smiled at him and walked to the deck to put them on the grill.

"Mmm.  My favorite."  He smiled and waited for me to return.

"That's why I'm making them."  I laughed and started the baked potatoes.

We finished supper and watched Frozen before bed.  Greyson loves that movie so much, he could probably watch it several times a day and never get sick of it.

"You were super mom today."  Tyler carried sleeping Greyson up to bed while I carried Paisley in front of him.

"Yeah well, I try."  I smiled and walked to Paisley's room.

I laid her down in her crib and kissed her head, turning on her little ocean thing on the side of her crib.

"Night baby girl."  I smiled and turned on her baby monitor.

I walked into Greyson's room and kissed his head.

"Good night buddy."  I ran my hand over his hair and turned on the monitor in his room too.

Tired and exhausted, I went and changed into a cutoff and shorts for bed.  Tyler was downstairs, watching TV before he went to bed so I decided to join him.

"How was your day?"  Tyler scooted over in the chair so I could sit with him.

"Long, but good."  I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"That's good to hear.  Sleepy, huh?"  He laid his head on mine and held my hand.

"Just a little."  I started falling asleep in his arms.

I felt him pick me up and carry me upstairs.

"Sorry."  I mumbled into his chest.

"No, you're fine.  I love you."  He kissed me and laid me down in bed, covering me up.

"Love you too."  I whispered and pulled the blankets closer.

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