Chapter 34-Thanksgiving

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Halloween came and went. We were far into November which meant that Thanksgiving was today. We were heading to my parent's house for the day, and after that, we would head to Tyler's parents house to stay the night. Hopefully there wouldn't be random outbursts or arguments. Paisley was about 6 months old, half a year already and she started with her rolling over and lifting her head to look at you. She can pretty much sit up on her own now and we started giving her soft foods like potatoes and stuff.

"Mama, can we go yet?" Greyson whined while I finished my hair.

"Yeah hold on a second. Mommy's almost done." I hair sprayed the curls and unplugged the curler, making sure that Greyson wouldn't be able to reach the cord or the curler.

"Yay! Daddy! We're going bye bye." Greyson yelled downstairs, hoping that Tyler would hear him.

"Come here stinker." I picked him up and carried me downstairs with me to save us a little time.

"I bring tractor." He reached for his little John Deer so I handed it to him.

"Make sure you don't leave it at Grandma's" I grabbed Paisley's diaper bag so Tyler was able to carry her.

"Hey bud, we're gonna watch football with Papa today aren't we?" Tyler asked Greyson while we were buckling the kids into their car seats.

"Yeah! Go back!" He attempted to say 'Go Pack!' but it didn't turn out right.

"Yeah! Packers!" Tyler ruffled his hair and closed the backseat door.

We drove over to my parents house and got there before Paul and Ryan. My mom had told me that Paul had gotten a new girlfriend, so all of us were eager to meet her since he really hadn't had a real girlfriend after Ryan was born.

"Hey I think Paul just pulled into the driveway, now everybody be friendly and please don't stare at her." My mom lectured the whole family, making sure that we wouldn't make fools of ourselves.

"Ryan, get your butt in gear, you're letting the cold air in." Paul pushed Ryan through the door, struggling to get him inside.

"Daddy, stop pushing." Ryan took off his coat and threw it on the floor before walking into the living room, where we were all sitting and watching the Green Bay game.

"Ryan Thomas! Do not throw your coat on the floor and take off your shoes before you get grandma's house dirty." Paul picked up Ryan's jacket and hung it up on a free hook before grabbed Ryan by the arm and pulling him over so he could take his shoes off and scold him.

"Daddy, can I go play now?" He tugged away, but Paul had a grip on his leg so he could get his other shoe off.

"Just wait bud." Paul's girlfriend spoke up.

She reminded me of a girl from a movie. She looked really pretty and had a nice body, the kind that actresses have. She had medium length brown hair and blue eyes, which was rare.

"There." Paul let go of Ryan's leg and he came running over to Greyson, sitting down on the floor and grabbing a tractor.

"Hey honey." My mom got up and brought Paul into a hug and he hugged back, kissing her cheek.

"Hey mom. Hey guys, I want to introduce you to----" Paul tried to speak but was immediately cut off by Tyler and my dad.

"Hold on. We're about to score." They both put up their hands and watched the game intensely.

"Go, go, go, go!!!! YEAH!" Tyler shot up and threw his fist in the air in celebration.

"Anyways, guys this is Amber, she's my girlfriend." Amber smiled and shook everyone's hands, introducing herself again and saying that it was a pleasure to meet us all.

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