Chapter 9--5 Months Pregnant

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Tyler and I have been thinking about the wedding and when we are getting married.  It's been two months since we got engaged and it's been hectic.  Greyson is definitely moving around in there and i can't wait for him to be here.

"I think we should get married in 3 months."

"I don't know, I will be 8 months along and I'm going to look huge!"  I felt Greyson kick.

"You'll look fine, pick a date."  He put his hands on my stomach, feeling the kicks.

 "Hmm, it's February, so in three months it will be about June."


"June 3rd."  I looked at him.

"Is there a reason why?"

"Greyson is due July 3rd, so I wanted to get married a month before."

"I like it."  He smiled and kissed my cheek.

It was Friday, and unfortunately I had to work.  I was ready for the most part so I kissed Tyler goodbye.

"Be back soon, Greyson, be good for mommy."  He squatted and kissed my stomach.

"I love you Tyler, see you when I get home."  I walked out of the apartment and went to work.

 I walked into the warm building and went to my locker, putting away my coat and phone.  I walked back out to the nurses station and got a duty from the nurse.  I read it.

'Baby born in the car, baby is in NICU, need to be seen by Doctor Daniels.'

I walked to the NICU, grabbing my "lab" coat and swiping my card.  The door clicked open and I found the baby nearby.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Daniels."  I shook the guy's hand and smiled at his wife, laying in a bed, since she just had a a car.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Gus and this is Ann, my wife."

I sat down in the chair next to them.

"So, what all happened?"

"She was dialated and we were on our way, but we were too slow and she gave birth to Hunter in the car."  Gus looked over at the baby.

"He's a really cute baby.  So, he isn't in bad shape, the doctor that helped you had no idea what they were thinking, Hunter is fine."  I picked him up out of the cart and held him.

"When are you due?"  Ann asked, looking at my bump.

"July 3rd.  It's a boy."  I smiled as I took Hunter over to her.

"You hold him, you need practice.  What is his name?"  She asked.

"Well my Fiance and I decided on Greyson Bo."  I smiled.

"I like that a lot, he must be happy to be having a boy, Gus sure was."  She laughed.

 "Yeah, he is."  I smiled and saw that it was time for my lunch break.  I handed Hunter back.

"You have a good day, I hope the best for you and your family, you won't regret anything."  She smiled as I walked out.

"Thank you."  I walked to the break room and grabbed my lunch, left over spaghetti.

I texted Tyler.

I love you:)

Love you too;)  How is work going?

Really good actually, this lady and her husband were telling me that I will be a great mom and that they wish the best for our family, it was so sweet.

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