Chapter 11

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Greyson was up every two hours last night and it was impossible to get any sleep.  Tyler took 4 days off of work to be home to help me out, but when he wakes up to get Greyson, it wakes me up too.

"Kayla, he's sleeping if you wanted to go shower or something."  Tyler put his hand on my cheek and pecked my lips softly.

 I sat up and stretched my arms out.

"You look so tired baby."  He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Oh now that you can finally carry me, you will?"  I mumbled.

"Well, you're super tired, and super sore so I figured I should help you out."  He set me down on the bathroom counter.

"You're too sweet."  I smiled, kissed him, and pushed him out of the bathroom so I could shower.

The shower was probably one of the best things that I had felt since yesterday.  I slowly washed my hair and my body, noticing that the baby bump was still the same size.  Tyler opened the door.

"Don't mean to rush you, but we have guests."  He said.


"Your aunt Jane."  He closed the door behind him.

I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me.  I walked into our room and grabbed a v-neck and yoga pants.

I walked into the nursery and Greyson was laying there awake, I'm shocked that he isn't crying.  I picked him up and walked down stairs.

"Hey Jane."  I said sort of quietly.

"Hey Kayla, sorry I wasn't there the other day when he was born."  She sat down on the couch.

"It's ok, here you can hold him."  I handed Grey to her and sat down in the big chair with Tyler.

"Thanks, you guys are so cute."  She smiled and looked down at Greyson.

"Thanks Jane."

"So how was labor?"  She sort of chuckled.

"Hard, I was in labor for 6 hours, which sucked.  He wasn't up a lot the first night I guess, only like 3-4 times maybe."  I leaned my head on Tyler.

"Last night was the worst.  He was up every two hours, and we barely got any sleep."  Tyler had bags under his eyes, but he still looked good.

"Babies are like that, you never know what you will get when night comes.  With Jackson, we were up all night and then the next night we were up twice."  Greyson started fussing.

"He hasn't ate yet."  Tyler slid me off his lap and made a bottle.

"Have you guys tried a pacifier?"  Jane suggested.

"Yeah, he holds it for about 2 minutes before it falls out."  Tyler handed Jane the bottle.

"Well with Jack, we held it in his mouth for a little bit until he got the memo to suck on it, then he caught on."  Greyson stopped fussing.

"You're like a pro."  I laughed.

"Well with kids, I know what I'm doing."

"Thank you for coming over, we both just needed to breathe."

"No problem, I was thinking if you wanted I could stay all day, just to help you adjust."

"That would be great, but you know we have to take care of him on our own."  Tyler pulled me back to him.

"Just for a few hours, you guys need sleep." 

"Alright, well if you insist, lets go to bed Kayla."  He stood up and walked over and kissed Greyson's head before we went to bed.

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