His Slave Chapter 4

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Why was Finn here? No visitors were allowed in daytime lessons, unless... They were here to collect a girl. But who would it be, surly Finn was just staring at her because he recognised her face. But why would he now be grinning at her? Mr Dawny was still talking but Cali had fazed out, everything was silent in her head as she tried to work out this situation. The only answer she could come up with was that he was here for her.

"Cali! I'm talking to you, come here now!" Bellowed mr Dawny. Cali snapped back to reality. He wanted her. But she wasn't about to let that happen. Cali stood up and began to walk to the front of the class, she was calm. Opposite the main entrance to the room was a fire escape door, hope.

As she neared the men, the rest of the girls gaping in silence, Cali lurched for the escape door, pushing it open and bursting through with all her might. The men were stunned, momentarily frozen with surprise. "Shit" cried Finn as he lurched towards her grabbing her by the arm, but Cali whipped it away, escaping his grasp. Once out the door she ran. She ran straight ahead, pumped full of adrenaline as fast as she could manage. A few seconds later, bursting through the door behind her, Finn, Aidan and Kyle followed. Cali knew her way around the site like the back of her hand, she ran past the main hall and down an alley next to the kitchens. The boys lost sight of her and decided to split up, "find her!" Cried Finn "she won't get away"

Cali stopped and fell back against the damp, crumbling stone wall behind her. Her breathing was rapid and heavy. She heard the men calling to each other in the distance, their voices were getting louder. She couldn't stop for long. Cali crept along the wall until she came to an ornamental garden, darting through the shrubs she crossed the garden and entered another building. Luckily lessons were still in progress so the corridors were empty. Cali ran down the hallways, rattling doors as she went. Her fear was increasing with every step she took. Climbing a flight of stairs and continuing down a new corridor Cali found an unlocked door. She crept into the empty classroom, heading straight for the furthest corner. As she flitted across she glanced out the window and caught sight of Finns two friends making their way towards the building. They were jogging and looking in every direction they went in.

Cali's heart leapt, would they come up here?

She heard a voice getting louder "where are you girlie" echoed down the corridors. The door handles creaked as they were obviously looking for open rooms. "We will find you girlie" the voice tormented Cali, they were coming.

Cali slid down the wall and huddled herself behind a table gripping her knees. Here breathing was erratic now and her heart beat could probably be heard from miles around.

The lock on the door turned. A hand pushed it forewords and the door gently opened. Cali held her breath. "I know your here girlie" taunted the stranger. Cali looked up and glimpsed at the reflection of the man in the window, it was the taller one with brown hair- Aidan. Cali sunk back into the corner, afraid to move. He paced the room looking for her. Cali watched the feet move smoothly around the room, until they stopped in front of her.

"Look who we have down here" he cooed, bending down to look at Cali. She glared at him, jaw clenched shut trying to hide her fear. "You can run but you know what they say, you can't hide baby" Aidan said tilting his head to the side. He then stood up and Cali copied his movement, sliding back up the wall slowly. Her finger tips quivered against the hard surface. Aidan turned his head and called out the room "hey guys, Finn, Kyle, she's up here!" In that instant Cali scrambled across the room, running towards the door. She was almost at the door when a muscular arm circled around her waist, drawing her backwards. A large hand clamped her wrists together while she was pulled back into Aidan's well defined chest. She began screaming "let me go, you asshole! Get off me!" She wriggled and kicked but Aidan was too big and over powering, he stood almost still while she thrashed under his grip. "Man, Finn's gonna have fun with you... You're a feisty little thing" Aidan chuckled but Cali didn't stop.

Kyle came running into the room and helped Aidan hold her down, they managed to lower her to the floor, Aidan was sat on her back still holing her wrists behind her while Kyle straddled her legs. Cali was still screaming "No no!!! Get off!! Ahhh!!"

Two minutes later Finn entered, accompanied by mr Dawny. Cali looked up from the floor, her eyes straining. Finn still had the gorgeous check bones and calm eyes, but his stance had changed, he was much more overwhelming now, knowing he could intimidate anyone with his size and strength.

"Let's take her back to reception, maybe she'll calm down and we can sort out her paper work" suggested mr Dawny "finally I can get rid of her" he muttered under his breath. Finn agreed. Aidan and Kyle lifter her up, took an arm each and practically dragged her out the room. Cali gave up on struggling while they walked to the offices, she had no chance with two of them holding her.

They came to the main reception building and back outside mr Dawny's office. There was a metal hand rail on a wall next to the steps leading up to the office. Finn brought out a pair of cold metal handcuffs from his back pocket and tool Cali's narrow wrists in one hand. She was quiet, shocked with what was happening with her. Finn looped the cuffs around the metal hand rail, the moment Finn released his grip Cali began screaming again, pulling at the bar trying to break free. She tugged and pulled to no success.

"Kyle can you keep an eye on her while me and Aidan get this paper work sorted out" asked Finn, Kyle smiled in reply. Finn, Aidan and mr Dawny all returned into his office.

Cali turned to Kyle who leant on the wall opposite her. "Please, you have to let me go please!" Cali began to plead with him, she got no reply. "Listen here you asshole, let me go!" "Watch your mouth, Finn doesn't react we'll to that sort of language" "I don't care what he thinks, let me fucking go!" "Look, your making this worse for yourself, if you calm down and accept what's happening its going to be a hell of a lot easier for you" Cali stopped and glared at Kyle, with that three other girls walked past all dressed in simple white tops and denim shorts like the ones Cali was wearing. "Ooh Cali, I hear he's a God in bed" said one of the girls walking past. "You idiots!!!" Screamed Cali towards them. She began to pull at the cuffs again, this time so hard that her wrists began to graze, they became redder and redder until they started bleeding. Kyle spotted this and looked at her. Was there a hint of sympathy in his eyes?

He moved past her and walked into the office. Moments later Finn came out. "Thanks for letting me know Kyle. She's winding her self up to much and that's not good for anyone, she needs to calm down" Cali kept screaming and pulling as Finn walked over to her and pulled out his wallet. He took out a small packet containing a plastic tube with a very fine needle attached to one end. He ripped open the packet with his teeth and took hold of Cali's arm, she pulled and wriggled against him but he tightened his grip. He then swiftly sunk the needle into her shoulder.

Cali's arm stung, then the pain faded away. Her head felt heavier and her body weak, she stumbled, clutching the hand rail. Then slowly she slumped down onto the steps, Finn looked down at her "that's better" he said as Cali's world went black.

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