His Slave Chaper 5

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Where did chapter 5 go?

Cali drifted in and out of consciousness. Her limp body was lifted up by Finn, he held her close to him. She could hear his heart beating, slow and calm.

The sun had gone down by the time they took her out into the car park. The harsh floodlights stung her eyes and she buried her face in Finns Ralph Lauren shirt, inhaling his distinctive scent. It brought back happy memories of when he would run up to her and hug her from behind. That had finished years ago.

The next thing Cali remembered was being put down in the boot of the land rover. Her hands were bound with cable ties and her ankles with rope.

The drive was long. The boys talked but Cali couldn't make out their words, she felt like she was floating. Her weak body was pushed around as the car accelerated hard down the long roads. Kyle kept leaning over the back seat to check she was ok, at one point he even lowered his coat down on top of her.

A few hours later the car stopped and Cali was lifted out. She tried to keep her eyes open to take in her new surroundings, but it was so dark all she could make out was the faint glow of windows in the surrounding buildings. From the joltiness of Finns movement she guessed they were going up steps.

She heard a key unlock a door and suddenly her eyes were blinded with light. Finn carried Cali up some more steps and into a room where he placed her gently on a giant queen size bed. Cali didn't have the energy to fight. Her heart begged for sleep and her brain agreed. Cali relaxed and sunk down into the silk sheets, sleep consumed her.

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