His Slave Chapter 17 (Mature Content)

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Ok so I've had 7,000 reads in two days!! You guys are amazing!!!!

Has this chapter appeared in the wrong order? I'm trying to fix it!

I've made this chapter long as a way of saying thank you for your support :)

I must mention, this is probably the most explicit chapter I've written yet- if you're under 16 proceed with caution- you have been warned!

After what seemed like eternity Finn turn off the highway and drove the car through two grand gates at the top of yet another driveway.

Neither had spoken since the argument, the drive had been long , silent and painful. Cali had been contemplating what would happen next while Finn was planning it in his head.

The private driveway seemed to go on forever. Small spotlights lined the road, guiding them forewards in the night. Cali understood what Finn had meant by secluded- they were in the middle of no where!

It was about ten o clock when eventually they pulled in next to a dazzling modern white villa. Nestled amongst rustling sycamore trees the villa stood illuminated by stunning outdoor lights. It sent chills down Cali's spine yet she couldn't help but gaze in awe at its beauty. Marble steps lined with plants lead up to a glass front door. Above that the beautifully smooth walls were encrusted with gleaming simplistic glass windows. It was beautiful.

"Cali? Get out the car" Finn interrupted Cali's dreaming. She blinked her eyes and turned to look at him. He was half out his door staring at her with a serious look on his face. Slowly Cali opened her door, and stepped onto the cold gravel outside. She wasn't wearing any shoes so the small stones nipped at her soft feet making her stand awkwardly.

Finn walked around the back of the car and pulled out two bags from the trunk. He then clicked his keys, making the car wink at them, and walked around to Cali who was still looking at the villa in the moonlight. There was a strong cold wind that blew across Cali's pale cheeks. Her long hair swept across her face.

Once again Cali turned to look at him, wiping the hair out of her eyes. Instinctively she then held up her wrists expecting him to cuff her. "What are you doing?" Asked Finn grinning, it was working, she was beginning to give in to him. He dropped the bags.

"Don't you want my wrists?" Asked Cali exhausted, she was too tired to fight anymore today. Finn laughed. "If you want to run here you can, but considering the nearest town is ten miles away I don't expect you to get far..." Said Finn resting his hands on his hips.

Cali dropped her arms and rubbed her scarred wrists. Ten miles! No help, no where to go... Just Finn.

She turned and looked into the distance. Past the trees, past the gravel road... Was darkness. Nothing. No lights, no cars, nothing.

She turned back to Finn. He had already picked the bags up and began walking up the marble steps. He knew she would follow.

Reluctantly Cali trailed behind him. It was a relief to enter the warm building, the wind outside had sent chills down her spine.

Inside the villa was unexpectedly cosy. A large wooden staircase lead up to a gallery and upstairs rooms. .The ground floor was more open plan, it had a wooden floor which flowed into a large room at the back. The walls were a mushroom colour, matching the modern yet inviting feel of the villa. Elaborate paintings of waves hung on the walls and led spotlights illuminated them.

Following Finn in to the back room Cali was amazed. The back wall of the building was made of solely glass. And in the distance? Cali could just make out the glittering reflection of the ocean. It was a private beach side villa.

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