His Slave Chapter 10

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Cali sat in Finns giant bed, her jaw gaping. What just happened?

Pulling the silk sheets up to cover her body, Cali sat upright in the bed, the tears still trickling down her cheeks. She didn't understand what happened, one second she thought she was going to have her virginity ripped away for her, and the next Finn was making deals with her. She was glad Finn had stopped but his proposition still scared Cali. At one point he would sleep with her, but when? That was down to her.

Cali snivelled and pulled the sheets up further. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a shadow at the bottom if the door. Cali froze, he can't be back, she couldn't take anymore.

"Cali..." A quiet voice whispered as two hands squeezed their way under the door crack "Cali please tell me your ok?" It was Gwen, she was kneeling the other side of the door. Cali got up and crouched down by the door and touched the hands "Gwen?" "Oh thank goodness you can talk, when Finn came back he looked like he murdered you" Cali gripped her hand "what do you mean whispered Cali "well he said you were being difficult but he put you in your place, he looked hot and stressed. Cali did he hurt you?" Cali closed her eyes "well he was very angry, he pinned me down in his bed... He had a gun...." Cali's voice broke as she spoke, the tears returning. "Shhh Cali it's ok, he's down stairs now, drinking with his friends. Did he claim you, are you in any pain?" Cali paused, what did Finn say, no one could know he didn't claim her? Oh God what could she say to Gwen....

"Yes he did...." Murmured Cali "I'm ok though, just a bit sore...." Cali strained her forehead as she said this, what was she meant to say? "It's ok Cali, the first time is always the worst, you'll get used to it, I know I did with... Aidan...." Aha so there is something going on between them! But it hardly seems like your conventional relationship thought Cali. "What do you mean?" Questioned Cali "doesn't Finns father own you? You work here?" "Yes I do" said Gwen, now gripping Cali's hands "but Finn lets Aidan use me. Aidan's worse than Finn, he's constantly trying to get me in his room...." "Oh Gwen..." Whispered Cali. It sounded like Gwen had it much worse than Cali, the guilt started setting in. "How long Has he been doing it?" Questioned Cali "a few weeks after I got here, so 8 months now.... He broke my wrist the third time he had me..." Gwen's voice was now breaking. "What?!" Cried Cali, her voice getting louder "urm... He got angry because I tried to run away, he pulled me back and I hit the wall, breaking my wrist... He walked out and it was Kyle who found me. He's actually the nicest out of them. Most of Finns friends are horrible" "I know, I hated how they were talking earlier" replied Cali "I saw, you have a good slap though" giggled Gwen.

Suddenly Gwen whipped her hand back under the door "they're calling me back" she whispered "I have to go back and help clean up after the party, Cali I've got to leave you" "it's ok Gwen, I'm feeling a bit better now" "I'm glad, I'll try and keep Finn away if I can..." "Thank you Gwen... And if Aidan upsets you again.... He can feel the wrath of my fist" Giggled Cali.

Gwen then got up and tiptoed back down the corridor, leaving Cali alone again. She felt happier now, she wasn't alone, she now had a friend.

Cali knew Finn would come back and that she'd have to fight again and again, but now she was going to fight for Gwen too.

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