Chapter Six

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A few seconds after the bell rang, I saw a boy frantically run into the classroom, papers flying everywhere and everything. I have him a long look and then realized that it was Sean, from lunch.

"Uhh, sorry Mrs. Clark my locker was jammed and I couldn't find my books and I-" Sean was interrupted by the teacher, who I suppose was Mrs. Clark, spoke in a somewhat stern tone;

"It's fine Sean. Find a seat."

I stared at him as he seemed to scan around the classroom until he met eyes with me. He stared at me for a while, and then at the empty seat on the other side of me, and started to walk towards me.

"Hey... You're Andy, right?" He calmly asked while looking into my eyes.

I looked up and studied his face. Wow, is every guy at this school insanely good looking and nice? He had these greenish-brown eyes that I didn't notice earlier and these reddish, soft looking lips. Oh my, I need to cool it. I haven't even talked to the guy yet, but man was he attractive.

"Oh, um... Y-yeah," I answered him while stuttering, I thought he would be a little creeped out because I was just staring at him while he was waiting for an answer, but instead he smirked and said; "That's an awesome name. Where did you move here from?"

"New York, I softly replied, when Mrs. Clark snapped, "Andy, Sean, a little less conversation over there."

My face turned beat red at the humiliation, Jesus Christ. My first day, and my teacher already hates me!!! Great!!!

Mrs. Clark just went through the boring rules every teacher goes through on the first day of school. After about five minutes, she gave us a worksheet and just kind of let us on the loose.

"Hey Andy," I heard River sweetly call my name while turning over to me, "What do you have next hour?" I was so captivated in his eyes I literally could not stop staring. When I finally snapped out of it, I reached for my schedule and explained to River that I had music next.

"No shit, me too?" He said with excitement, "and I'm pretty sure Wil and Sean have that too.." He added with a sweet smile.

I couldn't help but feel attracted to River. I mean he had these eyes, they were fucking beautiful. He was so sweet, and caring, and just everything. I know that I've literally found every boy I've met attractive, but this was different. I just felt something with him. However I'm pretty sure him and Martha are dating.. Just the way they act around each other.

I was snapped out of my long thought process of how beautiful River was when the bell rang, meaning class was over. Shit yeah, now I just have my last class of the day.

"Hey River, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked as I caught up to River while walking out of the classroom. "Yeah sure, what's up?" He responded. I pulled him over to the side, and made out, while stuttering, "so, are you and Martha like.. dating?"

He let out a soft sigh and responded, "well, it's a bit confusing. We dated a while back, and it's just been odd ever since. Why do you ask?"

I wanted to blurt out, "well, to put it one way, I find you really fucking beautiful and I want you to be the father of my children," but I decided that would be a little awkward.

"Just wondering," I replied with a nervous laugh, River gave me the cutest little smirk.

I noticed River moved his hand to my shoulder, and gently patted it before stating, "we should get to class now, wouldn't want to be late in the first day."

He was so beautiful, his eyes met mine as he softly grabbed by hand, and we walked to our next class.


We had been in class for about 20 minutes, River sitting next to me. He turned over to me and lightly tapped me in the shoulder, God he was just fucking adorable.

"Hey, Andy, what are you doing today?" His soft voice asked.

"Well, not anything really, why?" I responded,

"Let's hang out. I'll take you home." He sternly stated. To most people this would be creepy but trust me; River was absolutely adorable. He was so innocent and sweet.

"Sounds like a plan."

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