Chapter 7

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Harry POV:

Louis was not waking up, no matter what I did. I was trying so hard to hold back tears that it actually hurt. I cradled Louis' limp form in  and rocked him back and forth, trying to get him to come back to me. I had no fucking clue what had just happened, but whatever it was, it couldn't be good. His face was pale, even in the dim lighting, and when I touched his forehead, he was burning up.

"God, Lou, baby, please come back to me...answer me..." I mumbled, pressing my lips to his forehead repeatedly. I couldn't think of anything else to do except wait for him, but he was scaring the shit out of me. He'd been out for about 15 minutes already, but he was still breathing, so I knew he was alive, at least.

I leaned my head back against the wall and tried to stop tears from escaping my eyes. He was fine, he was going to be just fine...

I tried for a good five minutes to convince myself of that, but to no avail. A lone tear made its way down my cheek and I clenched my eyes shut, trying to make it stop.

I felt a hand grip at my arm and I jumped, my eyes flying open and immediately focusing on Louis. His eyes scrunched and then opened slowly, his gaze bleary and his movements slow.

"Wh-what happened?" He asked in a croaky whisper, and at that point, it became too much.

"Lou...damnit, Lou..." I said brokenly, burying my face into his shoulder and letting the tears fall. I couldn't help it, I was just so glad to hear his voice. His arms went weakly around my waist and he rubbed small circles into my lower back, trying to help me relax. Even in his weakened state, he was trying to do something for me. Why was he like this? Why was he so perfect to me?

"Shhh, Hazza, I'm's OK, I'm right here...oh, fuck..." He mumbled, his head lolling against my shoulder. I pulled back immediately, still really scared, but he just had his eyes closed and was trying to breathe deeply. "My head...fuck, it hurts..."

"Lou, passed out and I...I didn't know what to do..." I gasped, trying to keep myself under control. Everyone already associated me as being Louis' baby, but in reality I hated being weak and crying all over him. Made me feel pretty stupid. Louis' eyes clenched shut and he let out a tiny whimper, nudging his head further into my chest. I kissed his temple and tried to make him more comfortable,and we just stayed there for a bit, not talking.

Suddenly, Louis clutched at his stomach and groaned, curling in on himself. I wasn't sure whether to let him go or hold on to him tighter, so I just didn't move, watching him with half curiosity and half fear.

"Lou...what's wrong? Talk to me, please," I begged, rubbing his back and trying to help him, even though I didn't know what was wrong or how to help him. He just looked downright miserable and in a lot of pain.

"Hurts...feel sick..." Louis mumbled, his voice sounding strained, like it hurt him to speak.

"Lou, if it hurts to talk, don't. It's OK, you'll be fine." I seemed tobe convincing myself as well as him. Louis sighed and winced, looking a bit green and holding his stomach again.

I, meanwhile, tried to think frantically back to see what could possibly have caused this, but for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. He hadn't gotten cut or anything like that, so it wasn't blood poisoning. If anything, I'd be the one to have that. It could be a virus that was dormant in the basement, but if that were it, then I would have it too. Well, maybe not, because I hadn't been down here as long as he had. But that didn't make much sense either. We had both eaten food, so it couldn't be that. So what the hell was it?

"Louis...Lou, can you hear me?" I asked him, for he had laid his head on my shoulder and his eyes were closed. For a terrifying moment, he didn't move, and then he nodded, trying to curl further into my arms, his whole body shivering slightly. I pulled him as close as I could and tried to make him warm, while still thinking of what could have made him sick. Because that was definitely what this was...shivering, hot forehead, upset stomach and headache. Definitely sick. But what if it was fatal? Fucking hell...

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