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It was my job to pick some blackberries for dinner tonight. And, Tammy, my little sister, and Karah went with me. I saw a... well something in front of me. It was unlike anything here. It reminded me of our everlasting moon, but... bright and it wasn't gray like the moon. It was glowing. I slowly aproached the glowing object. My eyes adjusted to the glowing object. There it was. A glowing door, in the middle of the woods, that was not black, white, gray, or charcoal, but a color I was unaware of. I stepped closer to the door and slowly turned the metal door knob. It was unlocked, which is unusual since here there is nothing but privacy. The glow got stronger and almost blinded me with it's rays of shine. I took a step through that door and my head started to hurt. I was gaining knowledge of whatever was on the other side of that door. They were human like me... but. The pain in my head overwhelmed me! I fell to my knees and lost conscious.

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