Truth or Dare Camille+Linus

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By the way this isn't a run off of the previous story. This is just a fun little story I came up with. And thank you so much for 200 views on the previous story. I love all my Camsten lovers😘😘
Kirsten's POV
So Camille decided it would be fun to play a game of truth of dare. I honestly on the other hand am not all for games. She said it's because I never play them, but I'm 23. I don't think I need to be required to play games. It took place at my house. Camille told us to right down the truths and dares we wanted for each other. She said it would be quicker and wouldn't waste time. So Linus and Cameron came over. They knock on the door and we let them in.

"Hey, Cupcake." Cameron said.

"Hey Girlfriend."

"Hey, why don't we have nicknames for each other?" Linus asked Camille.

"Because it's gross, but cute when they do it!" Camille squealed.

Linus groaned at Camille. He was upset because they were a couple and Kirsten and Cameron aren't and they act more of a couple than he and Camille did.

Ok, guys let the games begin." she said with a mischievous look.

She took a hat and pulled the name to go first. It was Linus.

"Alright Linus, truth or dare?"

"Camille, it better not be something bizarre!"

"Babe, do you know me at all?"

Linus laughed and he picked dare.

"Ok, Linus. I dare you to strip and run around the house naked outside. Me and Cameron burst out laughing while Linus's eyes seems liked they were detached from his head. But he did the dare. When he came back in there was a piece of glass hanging from his hair.

" Linus what in the world happened?" Cameron asked.

" I ran around and by the third time, two girls threw there wine glasses at me telling me to put some clothes on" Linus scowled at Camille," Camille, your dead!!"

She started laughing and ended up on the floor. She tossed him his clothes and went in the bathroom to change.

"Alright, Camille its your turn." said Cameron.

"Ok give me all you got."

"When Linus comes out, tell him you have something thing important to tell him. Then....stick your tongue in his ear!"

Camille blushed hard. I didn't want her to know I thought it was funny for her sake. But man I was laughing so hard inside.

"Ok, here he comes." Cameron whispered.

"Hey Linus can you tell you something."

Linus said sure and poked his head to the side. Camille rolled her eyes praying in silence. Slowly closed her eyes and stuck her tongue in his ear. Linus looked stunned. He went into complete shock. She took her tongue out his ear.

"Hey Camille?"

"Yeah Linus."

"Remember when we met at the rave and I was like "wolf!" in astonishment?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Make that double wolf!"

Linus howled. Camille smiled and kissed him. Then she showed him Cameron's dare. He smirked and eyed Cameron.

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