C+K Sitting in a tree

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Kirsten's POV
I went over to Cameron's the next day after truth or dare. He said it was an emergency. I rushed to his apartment and opened the door. There were rose pedals on the floor, my favorite flower. I found two candles that were humongous. On one it had Cameron on it and one had Kirsten. I found a box of chocolates by the candles, but when I opened it up there was a piece of paper.

Dear Kirsten,

You are probably reading this letter right now and I'm very glad you are. Now what I need you to do is go to the place where your feelings expand.

Love, Cameron

Go to the place where my feelings expanded? I kept asking myself what it meant. My brain? My heart? My-- oh my god. Cameron must want me to go the lab. My feelings truly show when I stitch. I grabbed some chocolates and my keys and head for the restaurant.

I went down to the lab and I saw Cameron in a suit with a lavender tie with nice shoes.

"Kirsten Clark, so happy to finally see you."  he said with a smile.

"So what is it Cameron?"

Cameron came up to me and bent down on one knee. I thought was going to squeal, cry, and throw up at the same time.


"Kirsten, I have loved from the start. I loved how you would never let anyone get in your way and I would always think "Man Kirsten doesn't get any better than this.", but you always one up yourself. I've been a wimp for not telling how I felt. Yes I have loved Marta, but I'm in love with you. So Kirsten will you do me the honor of..... Taking this promise ring and be my beautiful fierce girlfriend?" He said with a chuckle, knowing I thought he was proposing.

My vomit feeling stopped. Now I had butterflies. I blushed hard. I can't believe he would ask me to just be his girlfriend with a gesture so big for a marriage proposal.

"Oh my god Cameron of course." I squealed. I was so happy. Now I finally knew what love felt like. An intense connection than heartbreaking loss. Well I are already experienced the heartbreaking loss with Cameron almost dying. But I always felt that connection with Cameron. Maggie, Camille, Linus and the rest of the lab jumped out from the counters with a big banner that said "Congratulations" on it. There was a amazing cake that had a tiny me and a tiny Cameron. I know I'm not all for surprises, but this one I had to make an exception. But the surprises kept coming.

"Oh and Kirsten there's one more tiny surprise for you. Since you already have a spear key to my apartment I was wondering if you would want to come live with me?"

Everyone awed. I looked over and she was pleading because I knew she wanted the house to herself. Of course I said yes.

"Is there anymore surprises?" I joked.

"Actually yeah. There's someone i'd like to meet, or shall I say reunite." said Cameron has he stepped up and I saw the person standing behind him. I felt pain but I also felt so grateful.


"Hello, Kirsten." he said with a smile.

"Cameron why is he-- how is he--?"

"He is here to tell you everything thing."

"Everything?" I said.

"Everything." said my dad.

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