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     A few minutes later Davy walks in the pad,
     "Morning! Why is Peter crying?" Davy asked. Mike looked at Micky and Micky noded his head in a no position,
     "Oh well um, Pete had something in his eye and um we had to use eye drops, Pete hates eye drops" Mike lied to Davy. Davy looked confused,
     "Oh I knew that! I'm no doctor...Anyway I thought we'd all walk over to Theresa's place and have a picnic..." Davy suggested. Peter looked shocked.
     "Ohh um thats okay,Theresa needs to do her um,Homework thats it! Maybe next week, M.I.C.K.Y." Mike said to Davy while mouthing to Micky after he was done talking. Micky got Mike's signal and then said
     "Yea!Theresa just told us that she couldn't be out and about tonight,She has a whole lot of homework" Davy didn't buy what Micky had just said.
     "Okay,Only one concern,Theresa is out of school,She graduated Beechwood High back in 1945" Davy paused. "Which makes her twenty two years old".Mike shook his head in a "yes" position.
     "Really,I thought she was only fifteen?..." Mike asked.Davy faced plamed in complete embarrassment.
     "Why would she be fifteen and have already graduated High school?" Davy asked. The boys looked at each other with worry in there eyes. "Oh, that's it" Micky said softly. "Yeah! You all decided to make up a plan that would make me upset more enough." Davy said whispering. Peter,Mike,and Micky already had an idea that Davy had found out the news... 

     "I already found out that Theresa had died,her mother called me at mid-night, the time Theresa passed," Davy paused. "We heard on the news that she was murdered,is that true?"Peter asked. Davy shook his head yes, then told them,"Yes,Theresa was murdered, by a guy named Richard Harrison Jr.,about two hours word came out that Theresa was murdered,the paramedics rushed her to the hospital, they knew Theresa was alive, they attached her to an IV,and tried to add blood to her system that she had lost by using a blood drive,They stayed with her the whole night in her room, not knowing if she would make it through, but at 12:00 mid night, It was curtains for Theresa Jones" Davy concluded. Mike,Micky,and Peter came around Davy and hugged him. By this time,Davy was crying. "Oh Dave,it's okay,Theresa is in a better place,She always loves you" Mike said. Davy didn't say anything,just shook his head in agreement with what Mike said. As the hours passed,Davy was very still and suttle, he didn't want to do anything. Peter,Mike,and Micky went to bed as Davy stayed awake up all night, it was the time of 2:00 a.m.,Davy was still up, he got the idea to visit Theresa at the hospital. He grabbed the Monkee mobile keys,turned off the pad lights in the kitchen and living room,locked the pad front door and then drove away to the hospital Theresa was in. 

      Once Davy got there, He signed in at the front desk,told the nurse that he wanted to see Theresa, The nurse was glad to help Davy see Theresa. "Okay,Her room number is 310a" The nurse said. Davy smiled,"Thank you so much," "Anytime babe!Have a good night" The nurse said walking back to the main desk. As Davy walked in Theresa's room,he looked around, admiring the books and the record playing next to Theresa. Davy smiled that his record was playing, it was his very first record that he made when he a young teenager. Lastly,Davy looked at his beautiful girlfriend,Theresa Jones. Davy touched Theresa's four head. "Ello Luv,It's me Davy Jones, You must be Theresa,I've heard much about you from you're parents,I'm very honored to meet you" Davy said. There was a very long pause after Davy spoke before. Then Davy got a chair and sat right next to Theresa. "Wow! Those words I said to you just then,we're the very first words I said to you when I first met you. I must say you were very beautiful,and you still are today. I had stars in my eyes every time we got together,But you're in a better place,you are with my mum and dad up in the heavens above."Davy paused. Davy couldn't help but cry. "I am so sorry you have to see me cry Theresa, I really miss you and wish for you to come back,I love you so much!" Davy added. He wiped his face. Davy looked at Theresa, glanced at her hand, and held her hand for as long as he could. The time was 3:30 a.m. and Davy was falling a sleep. He didn't want to fall sleep because he feared that the nurse or doctor would wheel Theresa out of her room and not wake Davy. But Davy couldn't help him self so he fell in too a deep sleep. 

     The next day  was Sunday,9:30 a.m., Davy was still asleep only for about ten more minutes,then he woke up,realizing that his surroundings were different. "I really must be dreaming! Am I?" Davy asked.Davy is bound to find out.... 

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