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     When Davy woke up,he was feeling two different emotions. He was feeling nervous,because he didn't know if his girlfriend,Theresa Jones was actually dead. Davy was also feeling a bit excited because he thinks that he was just dreaming that Theresa was killed. Let's go to Davy now. 

     "She can't be dead!" Davy whispered to himself. "She can't be dead!" Davy whispered again. He looked around the pad. He noticed how he was sleeping in the living room. Davy quietly got up from the black couch,and began to make sure that he was actually in the pad,and not just dreaming. Davy checked by where the instruments where. Theresa wasn't there. 

      "Okay,so far so good. This is the usual place for Micky's drums to be anyways. Keep looking for Theresa!" Whispered Davy as he kept looking around the pad for Theresa. He examined the rest of the living room. Still no Theresa. Davy then looked in the kitchen. Everything was still in it's proper place. Theresa was not in the kitchen either. 

      "Well,obviously,Theresa wouldn't sleep in the kitchen,that would be just silly!" Davy laughed to himself. 

     "I should look in the bed rooms now!Oh Theresa,Please be here!" Davy whispered to himself. He then traveled up the spiral staircase,and first checked his room. Davy was beginning to feel nervous. What if Theresa wasn't in there? What if she was in there but she was actually gone? There was only one way to find out...

     "Here goes nothing!" Davy whispered to himself. He gently put his fingers on the door,opened the door softly,looked at the floor and then looked straight ahead. It was at that moment where all of Davy's worries had disappeared. His eyes light up,and he grew a happy smile. In his bed,Davy saw his girlfriend,Theresa fast asleep. 

     "Oh! Theresa!! You're okay! You're alright!" Davy leaped to Theresa's side. Davy knelt down,smiled at his sleeping beauty. Davy was relieved  to know that his beautiful girlfriend was still alive and well. "Oh wow! so it was a dream! I'm so happy that it was only a dream!" Davy whispered. At that moment,Theresa had softly opened her eyes,and then noticed that Davy was right next to her. 

     "Good morning,Davy! Is everything alright?" Theresa asked. Davy smiled. 

     "Everything is alright. You'd never believe this,I had a dream last night where you unfortunately died. Trust me,it was a real scary dream. I love you,Theresa. I'm just happy that you're alive and well" Davy kissed Theresa's hand. Theresa couldn't help but laugh. 

     "What made you dream such a horrible dream,Davy?" Theresa asked curiously. Davy didn't know what to say. 

     "I don't know,love. But let's move on from that bad dream. I'm just glad that it was just a dream!"  

     "Alright! Lets move on from that!" Theresa replied to Davy with a smile. 

Davy and Theresa then smiled at each other and then shared a kiss. It's crazy how a bad dream can affect your life. When Mike,Micky,and Peter woke up,they went to go see what Davy and Theresa were up to. 

    "Hey love birds!" Micky greeted. 

     "Good morning" Mike and Peter greeted to Theresa and Davy. 

      "Good morning fellas! Want to hear a crazy dream I had last night?" Davy asked the other boys. Mike,Micky,and Peter were curious as to know what Davy dreamt about.  

     "Sure!" Mike,Micky,and Peter replied at the same time. 

Davy then began to share his scary dream he had. 

     "I had a bad dream. In the dream,Mike,you had found out that Theresa had died mysteriously and you didn't want me to get upset,so you kept the secret from me." Davy paused. He then continued. 

     "So,when Peter and Micky woke up,you told them that Theresa died. You guys watched the news and then heard more on Theresa's death. When you were finished,you guys didn't want me to get upset,so you didn't tell me what happened. But in the long run,I knew all along.I knew due to Theresa's mother calling me late at night. I then told you guys that I knew long before it made the world wide television." Davy paused again. Allowing Peter,Mike,and Micky to understand Davy's dream. They all understood and wanted Davy to continue. He did. 

      "After that,I decided to go see if Theresa's body was still in the hospital room that her mother said that she was in. When I arrived to the hospital,  Theresa's body was still in the room. I sat down,and just started talking to her and pretended that everything was fine.And then,I woke up and I realized that It was just a bad dream." Davy concluded. There was a moment of silence.

     "Woah! That was a deep dream you had,Davy!" Micky responded. Davy shook his head in agreement. Peter gave his classic whistle sound. 

     "I'm just glad that it was just a scary dream and that it didn't actually happen to our dear friend and your girlfriend,Theresa." Micky added to Davy. Davy smiled at Micky. 


"Theresa,how do you feel about this?" Peter asked. Theresa was surprised. 

     "I'm surprised. I honestly didn't know that Davy dreamt scary dreams like that one! Like we've all been saying,I sure am glad that it was only just a dream" Theresa smiled. The guys agreed with what Theresa said. 

     "Me too,Theresa! We're all happy that you're alive and well!" Mike added. 

     "Awwe! Group hug!" Peter announced. Davy,Peter,Mike,and Micky gathered by Theresa and formed a group hug. Smiles filled the air at the Monkees pad. 

      "I love you all so much!" Theresa replied. 

      "We love you so much too,Theresa!" Davy replied with a kiss to Theresa. 

And this is the end of another great Monkees fan fiction story! 

-The End

*Hello readers! I hope you have all enjoyed this book! Thank you so much for finishing this book! Feel free to check out more of my books I have out currently! :) That's it,and until next time,take it easy friends:) <3 Much love-Theresa 

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