Ok morning

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You woke up to see it was 3;56 pm...
You did your usual yawning and got up. You open the door, and walked out of the basement. As you did so, you bought a (favorite) pizza.


You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Mike with a worried expression.
"Mike what's wrong?"

"Your dad is right there..."

He pointed at pirate cove with a man. Father....
He quickly noticed you and stormed over to you. Luckily the kids left and only the workers.
He punched you in the gut, making you fall and he started kicking you in the face. As he did so you felt pain, and started coughing up blood...
Luckily security came, and Mike helped you up.

"I'm so sorry!"

"No it's fine... can you excuse me? I'm gonna...uhh...clean up..."

"Oh um ok"

You headed towards the girls bathroom and you looked in a mirror and sobbed quietly. You went inside your stockings and grabbed a pocket knife. You cutted a x on your wrist. Since you've haven't done that in a long time, you whimpered at the pain. And waited until 12:00


You walked out of the bathroom and saw five humans run to you. Freddy grabbed your wrist that you cutted and pulled you into a bear hug. (Saw what I did there? XD) You whimpered. He happened to notice and looked at your wrist...


You had tears streaming down off your eyes, and you ran.

"Y/N!! WAIT!!" Freddy

You ran to the security office. You closed both doors. You opened the drawers of the desk and found your....

No cliffhangers...yet

Don't you dare...

What I promise...



Cliffys huh?


Well...um ya know Candy is sorry right?

Sigh I know but Bonnie-sempia hates me!!!!!

No he doesn't-wait did you say sempia?


Okkkkk Cindy-Yandere....

Bye our little Nekos!!! X3

Fnaf x abused! a little suicidal! female readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz