Ch. 22: I'm Thinking of You All the While

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The wedding ceremony had descended into chaos.

People were screaming across the room.

Some of the attendees of the party were already dead, and many more were injured or dying.

Damon was kneeling on the floor at the front of the altar, clutching Elena's unconscious body against his lap, desperately trying to wake her. "Elena?" Elena remained unconscious and limp in his arms. "Come on. Hey, wake up. Elena?"

Damon bit his wrist, trying to feed Elena vampire blood.

On the other end of the altar, Alaric was holding Jo's dead body in devastation. He could do nothing but sob desperately, distraught. "Oh, God. Someone, please help."

Joshua struggled to stand, bracing himself on a chair, looking furiously around the room. "Kai!"

Damon was still trying to feed Elena his blood, but she wasn't conscious enough to be able to drink it. "Come on, just drink it." Blood simply dribbled down Elena's chin. "No!" Damon started to become distraught, looking around. "Kaylin? Stefan!" Stefan and I had been knocked backward by Kai's magic, standing, covered with blood from the broken glass and projectiles hitting us, walking closer in alarm. "She won't wake up."

"Oh, my God," Stefan told him.

"She won't wake up," Damon told us. "I don't understand."

"Get her to the hospital, now," I told him.

Damon nodded. "Yeah."

Damon stood with Elena in his arms, rushing out, leaving.

Caroline walked closer to Stefan and me, having seen the whole thing. "She's human. What if she doesn't--"

Someone snapped our necks from behind with magic, letting us fall to the floor.


I woke up in the passenger seat of a car.

Stefan and Caroline were still asleep in the backseat.

I looked into the driver's seat to see Enzo.

"Good, you're up," Enzo told me. "Sorry to be indecorous, but you were all solidly unconscious when I pulled you from the wedding mayhem."

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Where's Damon?"

"Damon is in the hospital with Elena," Enzo answered. "Kai is dead, and all the Geminis are going down with him. And, I grabbed the three of you to help me deal with a bigger problem."

"There's a bigger problem?" I asked in exasperation.

Enzo pulled us up to a warehouse district outside of Mystic Falls.

Mom was desperately opening warehouse door after warehouse door, looking for someone. "Valerie? Malcolm?"

Mom realized that there was no one in the storage space, closing the door.

I sighed in annoyance, getting out of the car, walking toward Mom. "Get in the car, please."

"1702 Route 12," Mom told me. "That's--that's where we are, right? I mean, I read the map very carefully. He--He said they would be here. They're probably scared out of their minds."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

Mom opened the door to another storage space, searching through it. "My friends. Kai brought them back when he escaped that prison." She looked around the room, seeing that there was nothing there. She turned around. "They're here, somewhere."

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